PS. I was trying to think why some folks would say that the little
Honda is not quiet.
If it runs full throttle it is quite loud. I would not recommend using
it to run an AC water heater and battery charger at the same time, or it
will run full throttle and really annoy the fish. I just use it to
charge batteries, with the 'EcoPower' switch on and after an initial
burst in bulk mode, and perhaps another burst when I hit Acceptance
mode, it runs just over idle speed and is pretty darn quiet.
PPS. I'm soaking wet after rescuing someone's dinghy during the
afternoon thermal puff. It was just floating by. That's the price I
pay for anchoring away from the herd -- 'if I don't do it, nobody else
will...' It's *not* easy to tow a dinghy with your dinghy in 15 knots
and 2 foot whitecaps (long fetch.) I did respond on the radio, but
someone thought I wasn't moving fast enough and said so. Hey, I'm a
single hander and I like to have a plan and think a few steps ahead.
Like, before getting in the dink to go get beat up, put on clothes, grab
a life vest, a handheld VHF, and a hank or two of spare rope to make a
towing bridle, and drop the swim ladder on the mother ship. Fortunately
I already had a flotation device and dinghy anchor in the dink, so if
something went really wrong I could get on the radio and say 'okay, I
saved the dinghy, now can somebody save *me*. Got a hook down, so
there's no rush.'
I would like to say it was a Hunter or a Catalina, but when I towed the
dink back to the original boat, I saw a very familiar star under the toe
The dink had a tied on painter of some obviously 20-30 year old double
braid rope without a splice or a whipped end. Sheesh. I want to say
the guy deserved to lose it, but then again some day it might be me...
PPPS. I had to leave the marina a few weeks back, because this guy next
to me played AM talk radio through his cockpit speakers from dawn to 11
p.m. That's a lot more annoying than a Honda generator. It wouldn't be
that bad, but he wasn't actually in the cockpit listening to it. He
did, however, own a parrot. This is *NOT* a joke, it's the honest
truth. The only thing the parrot could say was 'Shut UP.' I mean, all
day long I'm listening to political talk radio that I don't want to
hear, with a parrot screaming 'Shut up, Shut up, Shut up.'
This kind of stuff only happens to me.
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