
Just caught the Buzzards Bay location. Would you mind if I contact you off 
list?  My wife and I may have an opportunity to relocate to that area from Long 

Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 27, 2014, at 10:04 AM, "Fair, Mike" <mike.f...@mckesson.com> wrote:
> Ditto.
> Thanks,
> Mike Fair
> Buzzards Bay
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of 
> j...@svpaws.net
> Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 8:20 AM
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Honda 2000i
> In the last boat, I had a nice monster of a genset in an 8kw westerbeke.  It 
> served its purpose well at the time in that we effectively had more power at 
> anchor than we did dockside.  In planning my next cruising boat, it will NOT 
> have a genset.  They are
> Noisy
> Smelly
> Addicted to maintenance
> Heavy
> Real estate hogs
> Require fuel
> A great way of annoying people at anchorages
> Sorry, but the little Honda Gensets that sit on deck are even worse.  You may 
> not hear or smell it but the person behind you certainly will.  In a 
> popular/crowded anchorage everyone comes prepared to accept a little 
> inconvenience.  In a nice quiet little cove with just you and one or two 
> other boats it's a different story.
> Just an opinion
> John
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Mar 27, 2014, at 7:54 AM, "Kim Brown" <kimcbr...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> Richard
>> I have a Honda 2000i as well: Northern Tool for $1000.   Note there are 2
>> slightly different models - one is set up to parallel for bigger 
>> loads, the other has a DC out.
>> On my 35-3 it will just fit between the propane lockers aft by the 
>> rudder stock (my humped helm seat is in the garage).  When in use it 
>> just sits on the Starboard cockpit coaming to get the exhaust up and 
>> out. It doesn't seem like it should sit there but I have never had a 
>> problem.  I have a short cord I made up to plug it into the shore 
>> power outlet. Then I can run any of the 120 systems I need. (AC, 
>> battery charger, microwave, outlets.)
>> It is quiet but not silent. I can't run both the AC (9,000btu) and the 
>> battery charger at the same time. It gets close but after a couple 
>> minutes craps out with an overload. It is a great generator and surely 
>> will allow hair drying. But I only bring it when I know I will need AC on 
>> the hook.
>> Otherwise it is bulky (though less so than other generators) and in 
>> the way and adds an xtra gas can (dinghy 2 stroke/ Generator 4 stroke) 
>> Usually it is on standby hurricane duty. Got it after Charley- Not 
>> ever doing storm clean-up with only warm beer again....
>> Kim Brown
>> TrustMe!!! 35-3   
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