I need to replace mi as well on my 30 MK1 .
What kind of hose do I use?

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Robert Abbott <robertabb...@eastlink.ca>wrote:

> Gary:
> What's your boat?
> Mine is a 32 and I did not have to crawl under the cockpit sole.....I did
> have to get into the engine compartment via the port lazarette to access
> the muffler connection and push the new hose back alongside the starboard
> hull to the transom where it loops up and goes down to the thru hull.  I
> had to take the propane locker out to access that thru hull.
> If it starts leaking, you have no choice but to replace it.
> Rob Abbott
> C&C 32 - 84
> Halifax, N.S.
> On 2014/01/24 8:36 PM, ahycr...@cox.net wrote:
>> Rob
>>        Yes I am talking about the hose from the muffler to the stern and
>> that is my next project. I just can't see how I can get all the way to the
>> back of the boat under the cockpit sole . I think it is just to small for
>> me to wiggle al the way back there to undo it from the fitting. As for the
>> hose, this stuff is probably original making is 37 years old. If I use the
>> same stuff and it only lasts 30 years this time well I'll be 93 years old.
>> Every hose I have will probably be broken.
>>                                Gary
>> ---- Robert Abbott <robertabb...@eastlink.ca> wrote:
>>> Gary:
>>> Are you talking about your exhaust hose from the muffler back?  If it is
>>> that old, it would be worth changing.  Mine was probably original, 1984,
>>> probably 26 years old when it just showed signs of leaking from the
>>> inside out.  A little seawater won't matter, but CO would be problematic
>>> when motoring.
>>> You should have, at the very least, marine grade exhaust hose, better
>>> yet a marine grade hard walled hose.   The 'hard walled hose' is for a
>>> good reason.....it won't collapse.  That's what I used.
>>> I replaced mine before I had the problem.
>>> Rob Abbott
>>> C&C 32 - 84
>>> Halifax, N.S.
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