
Are you talking about your exhaust hose from the muffler back? If it is that old, it would be worth changing. Mine was probably original, 1984, probably 26 years old when it just showed signs of leaking from the inside out. A little seawater won't matter, but CO would be problematic when motoring.

You should have, at the very least, marine grade exhaust hose, better yet a marine grade hard walled hose. The 'hard walled hose' is for a good won't collapse. That's what I used.

I replaced mine before I had the problem.

Rob Abbott
C&C 32 - 84
Halifax, N.S.

On 2014/01/24 7:10 PM, wrote:
           The hose on my boat is just that ribbed stuff like bilge hose bends 
ok. probably been there 25-30 yrs.

---- Jake Brodersen <> wrote:

Working with exhaust hose can be very challenging.  When I replaced mine, I
used 90 degree fiberglass elbows.  It was far superior to the kinked mess my
boat came with.  They are much easier to put together than a long piece of
stiff hose.  I usually remove the mixing elbow along with the exhaust
manifold.  It's much easier to put them in a vice on my bench than try to
separate them on the boat.


-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 8:56 PM
Subject: Stus-List Now Mixing Elbow


Problem with changing the mixing elbow was the limited and awkward space to
work in on my boat......access is in through the port locker into the engine
compartment,,,,access is restricted because of hot water heater in the port
locker (could be removed but I didn't, extra work).....mixing elbow in on
the starboard side so I am lying on my right side using my left hand.....I
am 'right handed'.

Ended up taking the mixing elbow off by working from the front of the
engine.  A friend had done it before and helped me.  He had "blank(s)"
or "bolts without heads" that could be screwed into the exhaust manifold to
guide and hold the mixing elbow in place while you attached the permanent
ones.  Doing that 'blind' from the front of the engine or trying to do it
with one hand would be almost impossible.

Then attaching the hose from the mixing elbow to the new Vernalift muffler
proved to be a challenge......used a heat gun to soften the hose....just
difficult to work with one hand much of the time.


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