          The hose on my boat is just that ribbed stuff like bilge hose bends 
ok. probably been there 25-30 yrs.

---- Jake Brodersen <captain_j...@cox.net> wrote: 
> Rob,
> Working with exhaust hose can be very challenging.  When I replaced mine, I
> used 90 degree fiberglass elbows.  It was far superior to the kinked mess my
> boat came with.  They are much easier to put together than a long piece of
> stiff hose.  I usually remove the mixing elbow along with the exhaust
> manifold.  It's much easier to put them in a vice on my bench than try to
> separate them on the boat.
> Jake
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Robert
> Abbott
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 8:56 PM
> To: ahycr...@cox.net; cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Subject: Stus-List Now Mixing Elbow
> Gary:
> Problem with changing the mixing elbow was the limited and awkward space to
> work in on my boat......access is in through the port locker into the engine
> compartment,,,,access is restricted because of hot water heater in the port
> locker (could be removed but I didn't, extra work).....mixing elbow in on
> the starboard side so I am lying on my right side using my left hand.....I
> am 'right handed'.
> Ended up taking the mixing elbow off by working from the front of the
> engine.  A friend had done it before and helped me.  He had "blank(s)" 
> or "bolts without heads" that could be screwed into the exhaust manifold to
> guide and hold the mixing elbow in place while you attached the permanent
> ones.  Doing that 'blind' from the front of the engine or trying to do it
> with one hand would be almost impossible.
> Then attaching the hose from the mixing elbow to the new Vernalift muffler
> proved to be a challenge......used a heat gun to soften the hose....just
> difficult to work with one hand much of the time.
> Rob
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