
Mine did too so I sent it back.  It was repaired no charge.  I have not
reinstalled it yet.

On Monday, January 13, 2014, Harry Hallgring wrote:

> Joel,
> Thanks much for the E7 info. Mine started acting up at the end of this
> season (its first) and I am hoping it is covered. I'll let you know.
> Harry
> Sent from my old iPhone
> On Jan 13, 2014, at 12:13, Joel Aronson 
> <joel.aron...@gmail.com<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'joel.aron...@gmail.com');>>
> wrote:
> From Ray:
> Recently Raymarine has identified a potential touchscreen alignment issue
> in some e7 and e7D multifunction displays. You may experience an issue with
> the e7/e7D touchscreen which can cause the alignment to drift and cause
> potentially poor and inaccurate touchscreen performance. The touchscreen
> alignment procedure described in the e7/e7D manual will remedy the
> problem but the e7/e7D touchscreen performance may degrade again.
> Raymarine is committed to customer satisfaction and quality, ensuring all
> our customers experience the best performance possible when using our
> products. A remedy to the potential touchscreen issue has been identified
> and as a result Raymarine is launching a customer care campaign for all e7
> and e7D owners who experience touchscreen issues.
> *e7/e7D owners experiencing touchscreen alignment issues or e7/e7D owners
> wishing to avoid potential future touchscreen performance issues can have
> their e7/e7D replaced directly by Raymarine. Raymarine will provide a
> replacement e7/e7D equipped with a reworked LCD touchscreen assembly that
> provides reliable and accurate touchscreen performance.*
> Please note - the touchscreen alignment issue only affects the e7/e7D
> models. The new 7" a Series uses a different touchscreen design that is not
> affected by this issue.
> *How the e7/e7D Customer Care Campaign works:*
> To receive a replacement e7/e7D, Raymarine has created an online return
> form <http://www2.raymarine.eu/e/7392/e7CustomerCare/mwwrj/427235325> to
> simplify the return process, e7/e7D owners should complete the online
> return process before returning their e7/e7D display back to Raymarine.
> --
> Joel
> 35/3
> Annapolis
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