Currents and wind are definitely in-play.  Do you know which area the Nationals 
will be held in (which YC is hosting will probably let me know where they'll 
sail)?  I used to sail against the Thunderbirds in my last boat (Ranger 28); 
there are probably 2 to 3 you'll need to focus on.  Which one are you sailing?  
I could potentially find you crew with local knowledge or skippers to give you 
a briefing when you arrive...


C&C 35-3
Branford, CT

> On Jan 10, 2014, at 11:26 AM, "Gary Nylander" <> 
> wrote:
> I have been invited to join some friends in August to visit Boston Harbor - 
> and to drive their Thunderbird (boat - 26 feet) at the Nationals. Not wanting 
> to be a total goof, I would like to know as much as possible about the area - 
> Quincy Bay) beforehand. Are tide/current charts available? I understand they 
> have pretty good tides up there... How about wind off/on shore, etc.
> Any guidance would be appreciated - sources of info as well.
> Thanks in advance.
> Gary
> from the Chesapeake, where we have little tide and moderate currents....
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