Further to Dwight's comments.
We have a number of these at our club that participate in club races for
the past 10 years.  It is apparent which boats are well prepped and
tuned and sailed due to as many as four at a time racing.  Read up all
you can on rig tune for teh 30.  I may be remembering wrong but I think
it likes a tight rig.  Also - push the boat.  It likes 15+ knots and
that is its bread and butter for racing.  Make sure you dont bleed off
the power just wen the boat gets into its wind band.
The 30-1 is not as copmpetitive in light winds but really flies in
medium to heavier winds.


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 8:28 AM
Subject: Stus-List 30MK1 Racing ability

Does the C&C30MK1  have the abilities to be a competitive club racer
given all the new boats joining the field? What can be done to make it
be more competitive? anybody want to share? The boat is new to me "well"
a couple of years now but I think I would like to race a little but
don't want to race a boat that cant win. 

Thanks for your help. Any advise would be great.

"Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
should really be running the world." - Nicholas Monsarrat

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