Give me a total.
I send it out

On 12/20/13, Curtis <> wrote:
> Pleaee I cold realy use that stuff.
> Curtis McDaniel
> 46 Bostick Cir Beaufort, SC. 29902'
> I can send you a check or cash.
> Thanks a lot.
> On 12/20/13, <> wrote:
>> So in the spirit of Christmas....
>> I've got two boxes of stuff for St60 instruments that I've collected over
>> the past 10 years or so. All of it is new and unused.  New boat has all
>> B&G.
>>  Free to good home for shipping cost or in exchange for B&G parts...
>> Priority goes to folks who will pick up on Long Island (NY)
>> St60 speed transducer w/cable, also plug, nut & rubber washer
>> St60 depth transducer w/cable - missing nut, no washer
>> Various instrument head foam gaskets (gaskets only, sorry, no free... )
>> Various cables (nothing fancy)
>> Masthead vane service kit - missing cups, just the tail piece
>> And the big item - a brand new full masthead vane unit with all parts and
>> cable (would ask for a donation to a charity to be named privately).  You
>> will need your own male mast mount.
>> Of course, if you want to pay me for them that's fine too, I just have no
>> patience for eBay anymore.  10% additional charge if your boat is named
>> Enterprise.  No guarantees any of it works (but is should)
>> John
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 2:44 PM, Tim Goodyear <> wrote:
>>> Dave,
>>> The area where my tranducers are installed (under the v-berth, aft of
>>> the
>>> holding tank) is not cored.  I found that the area under the galley sink
>>> is also not cored (where the sink drains are), but that's no good to you
>>> for a transducer.
>>> Tim
>>> Mojito
>>> C&C 35-3
>>> Branford, CT
>>>> On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 9:02 AM, David Jacobs
>>>> <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Joel,
>>>> Is there any place on a 35 MK III, near the centerline that isn’t cored
>>>> and might be a good location for a in hull sensor?
>>>> Dave
>>>> Saltaire
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> --
> “Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
> should really be running the world.” - Nicholas Monsarrat

“Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
should really be running the world.” - Nicholas Monsarrat

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