Many years ago, when I wasn't winning races with my first boat, I spoke with my sailmaker about getting a new sail. Instead of selling me a new sail, he suggested I work on my crew work, and only consider getting a new sail when I'm losing races by seconds. Dave, are you losing races by seconds? If it's more like minutes, new halyards won't help you. I replaced my wire/rope halyards with all rope when I started to get my hands chewed up by meat hooks. I didn't go with the most expensive high tech halyard material, and I'm still competitive. I replaced the spinnaker sheaves with new ones from Zepherwerks because the old ones were chewing up the halyards. I also found that there is less slippage if I hoist sails with the rope clutch open, and close the clutch when hoisting is finished.
Alan Bergen 35 Mk III Thirsty Rose City YC Portland, OR
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