>From bitter experience:

1. The brass hand pumps get really hot when your oil is warm enough to
transfer, are difficult to position in the sump unless you have a helper,
and sometimes ooze oil out the end caps. I used to use an oven mitt with
mine until I started using a vacuum extractor.

2. The vacuum extractors work really well. Get one that's marked so you can
see how much oil has come out. I currently have a metal one that will
probably last forever, but I can't tell how much oil is in there. This can
have major implications when it comes time to fill up the engine with new
oil. The Pella ones are much cheaper than the Moeller ones, plus you can
size it appropriately to your engine. No point having a giant pump if you
only have 2 liters of oil.

On 26 November 2013 05:02, Harry Hallgring <hhallgr...@icloud.com> wrote:

> I just bought the less expensive Jabsco electric pump and pail. A little
> slow, but got the job done just fine. About $134 online.
> Harry
> Mirage
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Jim Watts
Paradigm Shift
C&C 35 Mk III
Victoria, BC
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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