Brent, that is useful to know, so there must be two kinds of NICRO vents, the 
fixed and the removable, but they don't always show this on the web sites, so 
where did you get yours?

Message: 7

Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 23:11:53 -0500

From: Brent Driedger <<>>

To: "<>" 

Subject: Re: Stus-List NOW SOLAR VENTS AGAIN


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I bought a Nicro 3 years ago. It can be pulled it out of its sleeve and be 
replaced with a cap. I'm on my second battery. They don't last long but keep in 
mind they can go through 365 deep cycles each year. Also more realistically I 
think winter kills them because I forget to take it out each time.

It works well in my forward hatch but keep in mind to also install  a passive 
vent at the opposite end so you actually create air movement. I cut a vent into 
my companionway and installed a louvred oak floor diffuser which vents the boat 
well and looks really sharp. No mild, must or mildew.



Lake Winnipeg.

Alex Giannelia
CC 35-II 1974 to be renamed after re-launch
TORONTO, Ontario

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