I have an older Nicro that works just fine, except it never had a battery. I almost bought a new unit with a battery, but found a lot of negative opinions about the new model not lasting very long. My old one is at least 15 years old and still works great when the sun is out. With a deck stepped mast and an outboard auxiliary, I don't have humidity issues. My biggest problem is usually dust bunnies in the bilge. :-) The fresh air is nice to keep things from getting stale when the boat is closed up, though.

Bill Bina

On 10/24/2013 9:39 AM, Alex Giannelia wrote:


The answer to your question is a bit more than a yes/no

I imagine that the one on my main hatch only needs a battery to make it work. It has a feature which lets me pull it out and replace with a 3" cap if for example I am racing. My question is if this feature is standard on the current generation of NICRO products because the second one I bought (on Ebay) can only get screwed in permanently.

Alex Giannelia

CC 35-II 1974 to be renamed after re-launch

TORONTO, Ontario


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