My solar vents are ventage 1990's they have no battrey and they remove
with a cap. Great vent. However none of them move much air. Dont have
high expectations. However they are great for keeping the cabin fresh.

On 10/23/13, Rick Brass <> wrote:
> The 4" Nicro vent goes on sale at West Marine from time to time. I bought
> the one in my foredeck hatch for $99 at West Marine last spring. They are
> normally available on E-Bay for about the same cost, though you might need
> to watch for a few weeks  to find a new one at a good price.
> Do you just need to replace the battery in your existing vent? You can get
> them at Batteries Plus. Just remove the old one and take it with you to
> make
> sure you get the right size and AH capacity. That is what I did several
> years ago (when the vent that came in the cabin-top hatch of my boat
> stopped
> working at night) and what I plan to do again when I get around to
> replacing
> the battery that is getting weak.
> Rick Brass
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Alex
> Giannelia
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 2:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Stus-List NOW SOLAR VENTS AGAIN
> I recall a whole thread a while ago concerning solar powered vents such as
> the NICRO day night I installed in my boat in 2003 which I believe has a
> dead battery amongst a few other minor problems.
> Now for my question.  Can you get a solar vent which, like the NICRO pulls
> out of the deck fitting and can be capped, for example when racing etc?
> I bought one on EBAY and left it in storage till it came time to look, and
> found that the one I bought gets bolted on, and stays there.
> Cheers!
> Alex
> ______________________________
> Alexander M. Giannelia, B.A.A.
> President
> 912-555 Richmond Street West
> P.O. Box 1008
> TORONTO, Ontario
> Office:      +1(416) 203-9858
> Fax:           +1(416) 203-9843
> Mobile:    +1(416) 529-0070

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