Does anyone know which of the C&C designs were Rob Ball designs

On Tuesday, October 15, 2013, Jerome Tauber wrote:

> SR was purchased by C&C from Glen Henderson.  A drawing of the first boat
> to be produced by the new C&c company was shown at the Newport Boat show.
>  It's the Redline 41 similar to a King 40 by Summit yachts.  You can see a
> drawing of it at   The new line is described
> below
> From the website. *NEWS*
> *Summit Yachts is a Dealer for C&C Yachts!*
> Principles George Carabetta and Barry Carroll announce their relationship
> with C&C Yachts. C&C Yachts are built by U.S. Watercraft of Warren, Rhode
> Island. All C&C models built by U.S. Watercraft are Mark Mills newest
> designs. The first model of the new line will be the C&C Redline 41
> (Pictured above, preliminary spec sheet below). Production of this boat
> will begin shortly.
> Under development are a 36 ft. Cruiser/Racer and a 30ft. one design racer.
> AttachmentSizeCC_REDLINE_41_PRELIMINARY_SPECIFICATIONS_2014.pdf<>55.28
> KB
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 15, 2013, at 8:00 PM, Chuck S 
> <<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');>>
> wrote:
> My 2 cents.  I think our boats benefit by the C&C brand name carrying on.
> I would support the new builder and look forward to seeing a new design as
> long as they build a quality product.
> Rob Ball was lead designer for most of our boats, (anything after 1973)
> and his vision changed a lot over time until the mid 90's.  And remember
> the C&C design group produced the Mega and the SR series?
> I won't be surprised if the newer C&Cs will loose the beautiful destroyer
> bow and subtle sheer they were know for.  I love that look but people pay
> slip fees by boat length and want volume and instead any new designs will
> have plumb bows and straight sheer and be lighter and faster, with carbon
> fiber masts, carbon sprits, fiber rigging and hopefully a wonderful livable
> interior layout.   The best thing they could do is build more 34/36s and
> 37/40s.  If you redraw the bow so it is plumb the waterline grows about 3
> feet, adding a lot of speed, just saying.  Then you square the transom and
> add a hinged door to work as a swim platform and dinghy garage.  All
> halyards led cleverly to cockpit coaming clutches/winches w electric
> option.   (Neat stuff at the boatshow)  I can't afford a new boat, so I
> just hope they sell a bunch, so they can keep the C&C brand name alive.
> Chuck
> Resolute
> 1990 C&C 34R
> Atlantic City, NJ
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"dwight veinot" < <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> '');>>
> *To: * <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> '');>
> *Sent: *Tuesday, October 15, 2013 4:13:45 PM
> *Subject: *Re: Stus-List Annapolis Boat Show
> Check the the meaning of C&C...designed and built...I think the design is
> the important part...I don't think the designers were either of the
> original C's
> On Tuesday, October 15, 2013, Andrew Burton wrote:
>> Just a little info about US Watercraft, who will be building the new
>> C&Cs. I know most of the people involved and they are pretty decent guys.
>> The company president used to own a C&C 41, his right hand man grew up on a
>> C&C 29, and one of the guys used to work at the old C&C plant in RI. Most
>> of the rest have some connection with pre-Tartan C&Cs. I think they will be
>> a good thing for the brand. And they have already offered their support in
>> any way they can for those of us with older boats.
>> Andy
>> C&C 40
>> Peregrine
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