Assuming the mast is keel stepped make sure keel sump is ok. Look out for any 
recent "cosmetic" repairs inside and out in that area. Make sure surveyor is 
aware of potential issue especially if boat was raced allot.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Derek Leck  : :  Account Manager
419.861.8611 x4824  : :  fax: 419.861.3299

Get Involved!
On Sep 10, 2013, at 9:54 PM, "Robert Abbott" <> wrote:

> Mark:
> If you decide and/or need to insure your new boat, the insurance company
> will most likely insist on a recent survey (recent could mean in the
> last 5 years) for a 1984 model.  Might as well do it up front and know
> what you are buying!  It's simply boat bucks.
> Bob Abbott
> C&C 32 -84
> Halifax, N.S.
> On 2013/09/10 8:38 PM, Dr. Mark Bodnar wrote:
>> Ok.  So I'm throwing caution into the wind, at least a bit.
>> I have an accepted offer on the C&C29 Mk2 in Maine that I mentioned to
>> the list a while back.
> for $8000.
>> Having looked a several boats locally (2 C&C29's I quite liked but
>> neither would settle for less than $20K, plus a few other boats), and
>> given the various options avail I decided that this was my best
>> option.  I think I would have liked to get the CS30, but doubtful they
>> would have dropped the price to where I would have wanted it.
>> Little risky making an offer on an unseen boat. I feel like I almost
>> can't go wrong for $8000.  Thank's to Bill for trying to get out to
>> see it.  The seller has been good about giving me info on the boat,
>> and as best I can tell (emails and a phone conversation) seems honest
>> -- I may regret that assumption, but the offer is contingent on a
>> survey - so if there are any major issues then I'll likely just walk
>> away.  I likely wouldn't bother with a survey if I was able to see it
>> personally, but I think it's prudent in this case, and will also give
>> me a heads up on issues I need to address once I have the boat in my
>> possession.
>> Now the logistics.  Bill Burketts suggested a surveyor in the area
>> (not sure how close) - Gene Barnes.  Anyone have any other suggestions?
>> Plus the issue of getting the boat home.  I've posted a listing on
>> uShip, but we are thinking about just going and hauling it back. I
>> have access to a truck that can haul 10-11000lbs, and access to a
>> trailer that can hold 14000lbs (I need to confirm that these will work
>> together!)
>> The boat is currently on jack stands.  I'm thinking either I buy or
>> borrow a local cradle.
>> Does anyone have measurements on the proper cradle base size and pad
>> spacing for a 29 II?
>> There is a steel cradle for sale not far away
>> I'm trying to figure out if it will fit the boat properly - seems
>> short to me.
>> For that matter - anyone near Halifax have a sailboat trailer that
>> would fit a C&C 29? Or know of any at their club that might be avail
>> for rent? Or a cradle I could rent?
>> Mark
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