I've always just vegetable or olive oil. I suspect the effects are as long
lasting as the purpose sold stuff.
C&C 40

On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Knowles Rich <r...@sailpower.ca> wrote:

> Do have it over ice, or straight?
> RIch Knowles
> Indigo. LF38
> Halifax NS
> On 2013-07-17, at 9:25, Robert Abbott <robertabb...@eastlink.ca> wrote:
> Bill:
> For the past 7 years, I put a few ounces of mineral oil in the head and
> pump it through every few weeks......keeps every thing working smooth.
> Bob Abbott
> C&C 32 - 84
> Halifax, N.S.
> On 2013/07/16 7:44 PM, Bill Coleman wrote:
>  I had read about using mineral oil as well, so I started using Baby oil
>  and then read that that was a no-no.  We as sailors are always trying to
> find the generic version of the marine grade that we know is ripping us
> off.  I have the Skipper, and noticed that the pump has been feeling like
> it is galling, and was worried I may have compromised the rubber in the
> pump.****
> I found Thetford head oil can be found in RV stores, (Cheaper) and I
> bought some and have been using that instead.  It definitely feels like it
> is more lubricated with that stuff, but the effects don’t last long. ****
> ** **
> Bill Coleman****
> C&C 39 <mime-attachment.gif>****
> ** **
> *From:* CnC-List 
> [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com<cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com>]
> *On Behalf Of *dre...@gmail.com
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 16, 2013 3:45 PM
> *To:* cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List Wilcox-Crittenden (now Thetford) HeadMate head***
> *
> ** **
> Hi,****
> ** **
> I have battled the same problem of water not coming in through the intake.
>  This tends to happen when the head has not been used for some time.  The
> problem turns out to be a stuck inlet flap valve.  This flap is just behind
> the 6 screw plastic water inlet housing cover.   Most times, I can just tap
> the cover with the back of a screw driver and it will start working.    If
> that does not work, one can take the inlet hose off of the cover and insert
> a screwdriver into the cover inlet to free the flap(make sure the lever is
> down).  At this point you could spray or add some type of lubricant.  Don
> Casey suggest to monthly flush the head pump with vinegar and then a dose
> of mineral oil.  I have also read silicone spray or grease works well for
> marine heads too.****
> ** **
> ** **
> -
> Paul E.
> 1979 C&C 29 Mk1
> S/V Johanna Rose
> Carrabelle, FL ****
> ** **
> On Jul 16, 2013, at 2:07 PM, cnc-list-requ...@cnc-list.com wrote:****
> ****
> Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 12:06:19 -0400
> From: "Gary Nylander" <gnylan...@atlanticbb.net>
> To: "Dennis C." <capt...@yahoo.com>,   <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Wilcox-Crittenden (now Thetford) HeadMate head
> Message-ID: <E7F4CE96ABB74C49A17496959BE7FC1D@GaryPC>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> West Marine's catalog shows the parts as well. Page 505 of the catalog.
> Packing Nut for 4.99. Kit for 79.99.
> But..... one lister said that using some Head Lube (p 507) solved his
> washer leaking problem. This was posted in the last couple of weeks.
> I have similar problems. My Head mate won't bring water up from the thru
> hull and I'm just leaving to get some Head Lube to see if that fixes the
> problem (and the leaky washer). If not, there are some suppliers of kits
> that are even less expensive than West, but if you add in the shipping
> costs, it comes out to the same. So I may be in the market for a kit as
> well.
> Gary Nylander
> 30-1****
> ** **
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