I have some Johnson folding cleats on my C&C 33 toe rails. Due to the shape of our toe rail these cleats have a tendency to wriggle even when tightly bolted. To keep the cleats from "rotating" (any side to side, forward/aft movement) I made some inserts from 1/8 x 1 x 48 aluminum. I cut the aluminum (saber saw) the width of the cleat base and the height equal to the space between the bottom radius of the top lip and the base of the toe rail. Then in the middle I cut in a slot (vee) for the bolt. The piece is inserted into the space under the rail radius (vee up) and the cleat/rubber assembly is fitted over this piece and toe rail and then lightly bolted. This prevents side to side movement because the 1/8 aluminum nicely fills the space under the toe rail radius.

To stop forward/aft movement I cut a piece of 1/8 aluminum just less than width of the cleat base "U" opening and the width of the cleat base. At least on my C&C, when the cleat is raised until the bolt is against the top of the toe rail opening, there is a clearance of 1/8 inch between the top of the toe rail and cleat/rubber assembly. The rubber is pulled down on top of the toe rail and I force (lightly tap) this new aluminum piece between the rubber insert and the top of the "U." It's a tight fit and there is no need to secure this piece further. The bolt is tightened.

Oh, before inserting the top piece I move the cleat to the end of toe rail opening that will be holding the load -- difficult to move once this top piece is inserted.


C&C33 Mk1

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