I would think that to be unlikely.

My quadrant on my 35-3 has 6 bolts holding it together. 4 at the shaft
and one on each edge to keep the groove aligned.

-Keith M

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Watts [mailto:paradigmat...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 20:27
To: Danny Haughey; 1 CnC List
Subject: Re: Stus-List Cast aluminum jiggy thing for cable steering

Double checking here...the quadrant is designed to be in two pieces that
clamp around the shaft. It hasn't just lost a couple of screws, has it?

On 21 June 2013 11:28, Danny Haughey <djhaug...@juno.com> wrote:

        Hi Damien, my Viking brethren!  I agree with the Edson advice.
Now we've both lost steering too!


        From my Android phone 

        -------- Original message --------
        From: Jim Watts <paradigmat...@gmail.com> 
        Date: 06/21/2013 1:44 PM (GMT-05:00) 
        To: 1 CnC List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
        Subject: Re: Stus-List Cast aluminum jiggy thing for cable
        Are you talking about the quadrant? If so, give Edson a call,
they will have what you need. Know what diameter rudder post you have
before you call them...

        On 21 June 2013 10:08, Damien Morrissey
<morrissey.dam...@gmail.com> wrote:

                Last night as I was motoring to my dock space after
putting up my mast, i noticed my wheel steering was WAY too loose.  I
was lucky enough to be able to DRIFT correctly into my slip without any
steering correction (since that would have been impossible).

                I have a 1974 Ontario Viking (33 foot) - C&C design.

                Upon investigation at lunch time today I found that the
Cast Aluminum thing that attaches and guides the pedestal steering
cables had snapped into two pieces and is no longer attached to the
steering shaft.

                Does anyone on the list know where such a beast can be
found or what I can call it when I call to inquire.

                Thanks in advance for the help - this list is GREAT !

                "Melissa Anne"
                Corner Brook, 
                NL, Canada

                This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

        Jim Watts
        Paradigm Shift
        C&C 35 Mk III
        Victoria, BC

        This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

Jim Watts
Paradigm Shift
C&C 35 Mk III
Victoria, BC

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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