Serenity is a late 70s C&C 33.  Coincident with installing an auto bilge pump 
the quadrant came apart.  The original equipment manufacturer is no longer in 

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On Jun 21, 2013, at 13:08, Damien Morrissey <> wrote:

> Last night as I was motoring to my dock space after putting up my mast, i 
> noticed my wheel steering was WAY too loose.  I was lucky enough to be able 
> to DRIFT correctly into my slip without any steering correction (since that 
> would have been impossible).
> I have a 1974 Ontario Viking (33 foot) - C&C design.
> Upon investigation at lunch time today I found that the Cast Aluminum thing 
> that attaches and guides the pedestal steering cables had snapped into two 
> pieces and is no longer attached to the steering shaft.
> Does anyone on the list know where such a beast can be found or what I can 
> call it when I call to inquire.
> Thanks in advance for the help - this list is GREAT !
> Damien
> "Melissa Anne"
> Corner Brook, 
> NL, Canada
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> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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