The Newport-Bermuda 1-2 race is underway. The first leg is solo to Bermuda; the second is doublehanded back. There are 2 older C&Cs, a 35 and a 41. They are currently in first and second place in their divisions. What is remarkable is that the 41 (owned by an acquaintance) broke its vang, returned to its mooring, jury-rigged something and started 2 1/2 hours late! They still have almost 400 miles to go, but they are doing great!
The Annapolis-Newport race is also underway. They have encountered winds from 0 to 20. One boat dropped out due to lack of wind and rum offshore! The C&C 37 seems to be in the middle of the pack. They should finish overnight. -- Joel 301 541 8551
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