Bob, I purchased one of these units, new, in 2007. The head of the boatyard where Cat's Paw is stored recommended it as a low cost but good radar system. He claimed that the electronics in these low-end radars was identical, i.e. made by the same (unknown) manufacturer and then coupled with different displays by separate companies. Much like all the CD drives for sound systems that exploded during the late 90's and early 2000's. I have no independent knowledge this is correct, however.
Nevertheless, the system has worked fine for me. I used it heavily during a trip from Buzzard's Bay up to Bar Harbor (ME) and back, where we had significant fog nearly every day for two weeks, but for the local sailing we do in Buzzard's Bay, it is hardly used. I did recently sell it, though, because I wanted a system that used the same display as my helm-based chart plotter. The superposition of the radar and GPS charts seems like it would be very helpful, and it is a nuisance running below to check the radar screen, especially when I am single-handing. The SiTex radar (another low-end unit) is compatible with my SH chart plotter, so it comes with no display of its own. Apparently much better is broadband radar, which is better for seeing close objects and has lower power consumption. It does cost more, of course, and was not compatible with my existing chart plotter. In terms of price when I sold it, the only item I found for this unit on eBay was for a combined (radar plus display) price of a bit over $500 as a "buy it now" price. My unit has 50 hours total, and works perfectly, so I sold the complete unit to a fellow sailor who wanted it for $500. As others have mentioned, mounting is also expensive. I went with a platform mounted on the backstay made by Waltz Manufacturing, which has worked out fine. They were less expensive than Defender and have a variety of options available. You can find them easily on-line Contact me off-line if you want additional information. Eric Frank Cat's Paw, C&C 35 II Mattapoisett, MA >Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 19:13:39 -0300 >From: Robert Abbott <> >To: >Subject: Stus-List RJC 1000 Radar >Message-ID: <> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed > >A fellow boater took a 'RJC 1000 Radar' unit off his boat (well, not >completely, more on that later) and if offering it for sale. I said I >was interested. He bought it with the boat but it was never powered up >to a battery.....we assume it works....he said I can take it and try it >out on our boat before he would accept payment.....his idea of trying it >out was to power it up and someone hold the 'dome' or 'scanner' on the >pulpit. Not my idea of trying it out unless I was surrounded in lead. > He hasn't given me a price, just said make me a reasonable offer. I >am wondering what you listers think would be a 'reasonable offer'. > >There are four (4) 'dome' or 'scanner' mounts riveted to the mast....he >doesn't want to remove them....each mount has 3 rivets X 4 = 12 small >holes in the mast....appears the 'dome' or 'scanner' fits in the >mount(s) with a pin....I offered to fill them with self taping SS screws >but he doesn't like that idea.....he doesn't want them removed. Are >these mounts easy to find and are they expensive? > >I don't want the radar that badly but I wouldn't mind getting it for a >good price....I don't want to insult this guy but on the other hand, he >doesn't want to sell an integral part of the 'mount'. > >Any and all comments appreciated. > >Bob Abbott >AZURA >C&C 32 - 84 >Halifax, N.S. _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album