I was thing of going just above the spreaders but have no experience with
them. I want to do it right the first time. Thanks for the in-put. I have
looked at and read a lot of others and their positions on how.
Thanks again for the help.

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Josh Muckley <muckl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mounting on the spreaders is the way Clarke McKinney at Quantum Sail Loft
> in Solomons recommends doing it.  He also suggests higher is better,
> something to consider if you have double or triple spreaders.    My current
> configuration is on the mast between the bottom and middle spreaders.  The
> height causes the aft most part of the jacks to be ineffective (too low)
> and the width causes the head to get easily tangled when raising.
> Josh Muckley
> S/V Sea Hawk
> --
> When security matters.
> http://www.secure-my-email.com
> On May 30, 2013 3:21 PM, "rick bushie" <rickbushie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Curtis,
>> My retractable lazy jacks are mounted just above the spreaders on either
>> side of the mast.  I am considering moving them out about 6 inches on both
>> sides and mounting them on the bottom of the spreaders.  The problem I'm
>> having is that on hoist, the headboard invariably snags on the jacks in
>> their current configuration.  Food for thought.
>> Rick Bushie
>> Anchovy, 30-1, Hull #1
>> Worton Creek, MD
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