Yikes! Never heard of that. Now you got me scared! -- When security matters. http://www.secure-my-email.com On May 23, 2013 6:49 PM, "Mike Brannon" <ff1...@aol.com> wrote:
> Josh, this link will > https://www.dropbox.com/sc/ktgqzwodk1i0z3u/CxUksbEoW3 take you to > pictures that show the damage I had in my boat. I apologize for the > quality. Somewhere I have additional pictures showing the completed > repair. In short the knees are what the chainplates attach to. Mine > began pulling loose from the boat. I removed a portion of the liner and > replaced the plywood knees. If I can find the other pictures showing the > finished repair I will add them to the folder. > > Mike > > > > Sent from my iPad > > On May 22, 2013, at 11:31, Josh Muckley <muckl...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Mike, > > Could you please explain what "tabbing on their knees" is and what is > means to fail? > > Thanks, > Josh Muckley > > -- > When security matters. > http://www.secure-my-email.com > On May 20, 2013 7:13 PM, "Mike Brannon" <ff1...@aol.com> wrote: > >> Bill, I've got a 78 C&C 36 Center Board version. I find that the boat >> is very tender and once the wind pipes up I start reducing sail much >> earlier than most of the other boats in the fleet. Keeping the boat flat >> < 20 deg of heel and I can still keep up with most of them going to wind >> with minimal weather helm. Also, when I replaced the standing rigging a >> couple of years ago we left the mast where it was. >> >> I'm also aware of several C&C 36s of that vintage which have had the >> tabbing on their knees fail, mine included. Once I fixed that problem I >> found I could carry much more sail. >> >> As an example on Sat I sailed for most of the day in 20+ wind with a 115 >> (blade is being repaired) of unknown age and a single reef in the main and >> made a decent show considering the aged sail. I had minimal weather helm >> and great boat control. >> >> Mike, >> >> Virginia Lee >> C&C 36 CB >> VIRGINIA BEACH >> >> >> Sent from my iPad >> _______________________________________________ >> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album >> http://www.cncphotoalbum.com >> CnC-List@cnc-list.com >> > _______________________________________________ > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album > http://www.cncphotoalbum.com > CnC-List@cnc-list.com > > > _______________________________________________ > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album > http://www.cncphotoalbum.com > CnC-List@cnc-list.com > >
_______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album http://www.cncphotoalbum.com CnC-List@cnc-list.com