I decided to ask my rigger at Atlantic Spars for his recommendation.  He
and Andy think alike!

Mid boom will work to hold the boom out, although if the boat does gybe and
it is not let off the boom could break. The end of boom is the safest, best
to install a piece of Spectra from the end of boom up to the inboard end
with some bungee. You have a preventer line attached to the Spectra when
using and running up to a block near the bow and then aft to the cockpit.


On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 1:25 PM, <dre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have heard of folks using Dyneema for a preventer because they feel that
> stronger is better.   Dyneema is actually a poor choice and can actually
> beak in a sudden impulse before a simple nylon line would, but more
> importantly, using Dyneema would provide a greater beating on the rigging
> than necessary.
> It is the same principle as why one would not use Dyneema for anchor
> rodes.  Because of the stretch, nylon feels a much smaller force.  Since
> the energy absorbed by the line is the product of force times stretch, the
> Dyneema, with little stretch, will feel a much greater force for the same
> sudden impulse.   There is a great demonstration comparing Dyneema and
> nylon in dynamic loads at
> http://dmmclimbing.com/knowledge/how-to-break-nylon-dyneema-slings/.
> -
> Paul E.
> 1979 C&C 29 Mk1
> S/V Johanna Rose
> Carrabelle, FL
> On May 10, 2013, at 12:00 PM, cnc-list-requ...@cnc-list.com wrote:
> From: a.burton.sai...@gmail.com
> Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 11:32:55 -0400
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Gybe preventer
> One thing I've seen on boats that run a lot or have high, long booms, is a
> permanently rigged piece of Dynema attached at the end of the boom and run
> forward to the a snap-shackle at the gooseneck. That way it's easy to rig a
> preventer to the bow when the sheets are already eased; just release the
> line from the end of the boom and snap it to the preventer from the bow. If
> running to the bow, I will usually just run the preventer through the
> mooring line fairlead...with appropriate chafe protection if it's going to
> be rigged for more than a few hours.
> Andy
> C&C 40
> Peregrine
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