That's encouraging. Better than our neighbouring club here in Halifax which has 
a currently unusable marine railway. Apparently the new car has trouble 
negotiating the old tracks and they may have to dredge...???

Rich Knowles
Indigo. LF38

On 2013-04-16, at 10:55, Frederick G Street <> wrote:

Not yet -- but the sabertooths are lurking in the woods.

Here's a (sort of) daytime view from the webcam this morning; plenty of ice 
still in the harbor, but it looks like the channel between the mainland and 
Madeline Island (seen at the horizon in the background) is starting to clear:

Fred Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^(

On Apr 16, 2013, at 12:07 AM, Knowles Rich <> wrote:

> Seen any wooly mammoths, Fred?
> Rich Knowles
> Indigo. LF38
> Halifax

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