

I think that is good advice but would it not be reasonable to suspect
something simple like the oil pressure sensor is causing the alarm


Dwight Veinot

C&C 35 MKII, Alianna

Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Knowles
Sent: April 6, 2013 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Yanmar panel problem ...


I strongly suggest your friend get someone familiar with things electrical
to check out his boat. There are simply too many possibilities to discuss
them sensibly here. 

Rich Knowles

Indigo. LF38


On 2013-04-06, at 20:45, David Paine <> wrote:



My friend, Steve, messed up this afternoon working on his cb C&C 35.  He is
too shy to post (kidding) but here (below) is his question.  I am an A4 guy
so I am clueless about what dangers the Yanmar horn that sounds when
starting a Yanmar is even  supposed to alert one to!    Here is the question


Hi David - 

I have a question for you ... this morning, while installing the boat
batteries, I installed the big (engine) battery then proceeded to cross the
wires on the second (house) battery ... resulting in a pretty spectacular

After the spark I noticed two other things - 

1)  the first battery was making pulsing noises that sounded like it might
be shorting out internally - I disconnected it and, when it was tested
later, the battery was dead ... it was actually having charging issues last
summer so I guess the arcing did it in (?) 

2) when I had the battery switch "on" (to any position - "all", "both", "#1"
and "#2") the Yanmar engine start panel was making the same steady tone it
makes when starting the engine ... for this, I tried replacing the ignition
switch but that didn't correct the problem ... it still whines on all
battery positions except for "off" 

... do you have any ideas (or ideas where I could get some ideas)?? 

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