I had a look at my bilge on Saturday:

The 3 aft bolts have nuts of 1&1/16" and the forward one is 3/4".
The point about cutting a hole in a coach roof is a valid one as all 4
bolts are under it.

C&C 24 "Emilie"
Hamilton, Ontario

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Robert Abbott <robertabb...@eastlink.ca>wrote:

> Ed:
> I had a Kirby 25 that had a single point lift arrangement similar to what
> Colin described.  The PO had a metal bar specifically constructed that
> spanned two keels bolts.....you would remove the 2 nuts, place the steel
> bar down over the bolts, replace the nuts.  The steel bar had "D shaped"
> metal holders welded to each end......a permanent lift strap was attached
> to the D shaped holders.
> A 6" hole was cut in the coach roof where the main lift entered to connect
> to the 'lift strap, metal bar'.  The hole had an removable opening port.
>  Simple arrangement once it was constructed but knowing where the
> 'balancing point' is is the challenge.  If you can find another C&C 24 with
> a similar arrangement, that would be very helpful.  But keep in mind, every
> boat has different gear on board which might affect the 'balancing point'.
> Bob Abbott
> C&C 32 - 84
> Halifax, N.S.
> On 2013/03/30 3:40 PM, Ed Dooley wrote:
>> Of course then there's the new hole in the cabin top.  :-)
>> I'll be at my 24 next weekend (apparently our new small home addition
>> is the priority is weekend), and I'll try to remember taking a photo of
>> the keel bolts.
>> Ed
>> On Mar 29, 2013, at 8:52 PM, Colin Kilgour <charliekilo...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>  My J24 (and all others) lift from a single point, but there's a bar
>>> that spans 2 keel bolts and we put a shackle around that bar.
>>> Presumably you could rig a similar arrangement on a C&C 24.
>>> It's a lot simpler than using slings...
>>> Cheers
>>> Colin
>>> On 3/26/13, ok <orrk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Wondering if anyone has modified their C&C 24 to have a single lifting
>>>> point
>>>> from the the keel bolts.  The Ranger 23 next to me has had this
>>>> modification
>>>> done.  Would work much better with my club lift and trailer than straps.
>>>> Also, anyone have a pic of their C&C 24 bilge?  Just want to see if my
>>>> bolts
>>>> are as they should be and original.  For close to the same weight keel,
>>>> my
>>>> bolts seem oversized compared to the Ranger 23 next to me.  I'm
>>>> thinking if
>>>> they are original they will be strong enough for a single lift point?
>>>> Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Sent from my mobile device
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