Wasn't aware that was technically possible. Patrick Wesley 

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On 2013-02-24, at 12:27 PM, Jim Watts <paradigmat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You can save some pumping capacity by not peeing while you are having a 
> shower. 
> On 24 February 2013 10:42, Colin Kilgour <charliekilo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1. You could upsize the shower pump.
>> 2. You could create an inline reservoir of sorts between the shower
>> sump and the pump.   Depending on how big an issue you've got, you
>> could create a dedicated reservoir or if it's a minor issue you could
>> just upsize the hose diameter.
>> On Bojangles, we just turn off the water while soaping and that seems
>> to keep things in check.   Occasionally you end up with some water up
>> to your instep, but that's not something we worry about.
>> Cheers
>> Colin
>> On 2/24/13, Tom Buscaglia <t...@sv-alera.com> wrote:
>> > Cruising question for the 37+ O's on the list.  Having never had the
>> > luxury of a shower on board before, this is all new to me,
>> >
>> > Our shower sump runs a little slower than the shower does.  As a
>> > result, if we loose focus mid shower (and who doesn't) , we get an
>> > overflow.  I have checked the pickup, the filter and hoses to and
>> > from the pump.  All are OK.  The only piece left is the Jabsco
>> > 36970-1000 pump, which may or may not need a rebuild.
>> >
>> > Of course, the current situation does actually force us to use less
>> > water, which is probably a good thing.  I am wondering if any of the
>> > listers have any experience, thoughts or even just clever comments on
>> > this...
>> >
>> > Tom Buscaglia
>> > SV Alera
>> > C&C 37+/40
>> > Vashon Island WA
>> > (206) 463-9200
>> > www.sv-alera.com
>> >
>> --
>> Sent from my mobile device
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> -- 
> Jim Watts
> Paradigm Shift
> C&C 35 Mk III
> Victoria, BC
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