1. You could upsize the shower pump.

2. You could create an inline reservoir of sorts between the shower
sump and the pump.   Depending on how big an issue you've got, you
could create a dedicated reservoir or if it's a minor issue you could
just upsize the hose diameter.

On Bojangles, we just turn off the water while soaping and that seems
to keep things in check.   Occasionally you end up with some water up
to your instep, but that's not something we worry about.


On 2/24/13, Tom Buscaglia <t...@sv-alera.com> wrote:
> Cruising question for the 37+ O's on the list.  Having never had the
> luxury of a shower on board before, this is all new to me,
> Our shower sump runs a little slower than the shower does.  As a
> result, if we loose focus mid shower (and who doesn't) , we get an
> overflow.  I have checked the pickup, the filter and hoses to and
> from the pump.  All are OK.  The only piece left is the Jabsco
> 36970-1000 pump, which may or may not need a rebuild.
> Of course, the current situation does actually force us to use less
> water, which is probably a good thing.  I am wondering if any of the
> listers have any experience, thoughts or even just clever comments on
> this...
> Tom Buscaglia
> SV Alera
> C&C 37+/40
> Vashon Island WA
> (206) 463-9200
> www.sv-alera.com

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