The Arabs knew the earth was spherical early on and the librarian of Alexandria 
had calculated the radius with the famous "well" experiment at a solstice (or 
was it the equinox?).  That value was very close; much better than the one 
Columbus used.  Keep in mind, the Europeans were well behind the times after 
the fall of Rome and for many hundred years after that.  In 1300 they still 
believed in mountain spirits causing miners lung disease and in the early 1800 
worried about swamp gas.But back to the topic, these antique methods are still 
useful as I found out in a Chi-Mac race in '91.  And the knowledge of those 
methods aids in understanding some modern equipment.Useful for off shore and 
coastal boaters.RonWild CheriC&C 30STL

--- On Mon, 1/28/13, Jim Brown <> wrote:

From: Jim Brown <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Sextant
Date: Monday, January 28, 2013, 3:55 PM

Just a sideline to the notion that Europeans in the 15th century may  have 
believed that the world was flat , in Capt. Joshua Slocum’s “Sailing Alone 
Around the World” he mentions his meeting with President Kruger – the President 
of the Transvaal in South Africa.  Upon being presented to the President as one 
who was on a voyage around the world, Slocum discovered that President Kruger 
firmly believed that the world was flat and made a point of “correcting” the 
matter.  This was in 1897!  Jim Brown“Flash Over”  1981 C&C 34Vancouver, BC  
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Jack Brennan
Sent: January-28-13 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Sextant  The idea that Europeans thought the Earth was 
flat until the 15th century is one of the great myths of modern history, 
apparently invented and perpetuated by some 19th century writers. It’s a 
fascinating story about how it actually made it into history books. I have a 
book somewhere that tells the story. Most historians believe that educated 
people, from the time of the Greeks, always knew the Earth was spherical. 
Columbus’ problem was that he didn’t believe the ancient Greeks who used the 
horizon to make a pretty good guess about the size of the Earth. He thought it 
was much smaller. An interesting belief that was prevalent, however, was that 
Antarctica was a large, temperate continent with millions of people living 
there. Some ambitious early explorers actually returned and told tall tales 
about visiting there. Jack Brennan
Shanachie, 1974 Bristol 30Former C&C 25
Fort Lauderdale, Fl. From: Ronald B. Frerker Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 
11:34 AMTo: Subject: Re: Stus-List Sextant Greeks and 
Arabs were aware of a round earth back in 400BC. After the Greek epicycle 
fiasco, they probably figured out about the earth rotating about the sun.Given 
the Arabs early knowledge of navigation, they might well have known this also 
but Europe didn't always have knowledge of their early science; even to today.  
Their astrolabe seemed to have a lot of info.  I haven't figured out anything 
more than its basic angle measurement.Staffs and backstaffs predate the sextant 
for measuring and of course, the knotted string/wood dowel also.  Quadrant in 
Columbus' time.
Europe on board with heliocentric theory about 1500AD; completely abandoned 
flat earth finally around 1500AD, probably some much earlier.Polynesians were 
seafarers, would be interesting to know their theory of the celestial 
relationship.RonWild CheriC&C 30STL   From: CnC-List 
[] On Behalf Of dwight veinot
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Sextant Was the sextant invented before we knew the 
difference?  Dwight VeinotC&C 35 MKII, AliannaHead of St. Margaret's Bay, 
NSFrom: CnC-List [wlmailhtml:/mc/compose?] On 
Behalf Of Frederick G Street
Sent: January 28, 2013 10:45 AM
To: wlmailhtml:/mc/compose?
Subject: Re: Stus-List Sextant Yes, that's common knowledge; but the process of 
doing celestial navigation actually presumes that the earth (or your location 
on it) is fixed, and the sun is doing the moving. Here's one of the more 
concise books on the topic:
Fred Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield , WI    :^( On 
Jan 28, 2013, at 6:01 AM, dwight veinot 
<wlmailhtml:/mc/compose?> wrote: Is it not 
common knowledge that the sun essentially remains fixed for all intents and 
purposes and the earth does the moving? 
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