Joe,I found the same thing with mine; the forward section about 6in deeper than the rest of the bilge and never draining. I guess the bilge cleaner that I dump in periodically helped to keep the smell down. Did you have to rebuild the supports that the horizontal board rests on? I have only two and they don't appear to be shredding like rotten wood, but they were damp and black of course. And with only two, I can see how the horizontal piece will bend eventually. Did you add a third or do any repairs to the two?Anyone else change the number of supports? Mine appeared to be a couple of 3/4 or 1in thick plywood pieces glued (???) together and then held by a metal parallelogram on either side bolted through. The supports seem to be resting on the shoulder of the bilge and not the bottom although they have a small part that reached down to the bilge bottom.RonWild CheriC&C 30STL
--- On Thu, 1/24/13, Joe at Zialater <> wrote: From: Joe at Zialater <> Subject: Stus-List Crazy weird smell from under the mast.. To: Date: Thursday, January 24, 2013, 3:04 PM Hi Mike, I just bought a '75 30MK1 with a sagging mast step. After pulling the mast and taking out the old mast step, I found a deep hole that could never drain back to the bilge pump. It was full of a foul smelling black goo that had probably been there for 37 years stinkin' up the joint. After ladling it out and rebuilding the mast step, I filled in the extra space with foam and glass so that water running down in that area will flow back towards the bilge pump - rather than turning into a nasty science experiment. Maybe your 29 has the same setup and you can fill it in. Good luck. Joe Boyle 1975 30 MK1 "Zia" Mayo, MD _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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