Thanks for the correction....I can't remember all the timing protocols with IP2000E.....that's why I said 'read, and more importantly, follow the instructions'. Depends as well as the paint you are using. According to the Interprotect Product sheet, when overcoating with VC-17 the Interprotect layers are supposed to dry for 24-36 hours, then be sanded with 180-220 grit paper. Some people I know didn't have good luck with foam rollers.....we did, maybe we had good quality rollers, maybe the air temperature and temp of the hull were just right.....even though the air temp was about 17C that day, we kept the can(s) of IP2000 sitting in a bucket of hot water to keep it 'fluid'......I always do this when applying antifouling paint, keep it warm and it applies better.
Bob Abbott
C&C 32 - 84
Halifax, N.S.

On 2013/01/12 1:02 PM, Ken Heaton wrote:
Good advice from Bob, but this bit is wrong:

"If my memory is correct, you have about two weeks after applying the 2000E to apply your antifouling paint. After that, you have to sand the 2000E. We applied 2 coats of Micron CSC over the 2000E."
You should put your first coat of antifouling on the Interprotect 
2000E within a few hours or less.  As someone else mentioned, you test 
to see if the IP2000 is still soft but not tacky.  I think Interlux 
mentions soft enough to show a thumbprint.
On the other hand, you have up to 6 months between the coats of IP200E 
without any other prep (yes, 6 months, really, they've tested this) so 
if you run out of time one day you can put the last coat of IP2000E on 
some time (days, weeks) after the others and then 
start the antifouling that same day.
Ken H.

On 12 January 2013 11:59, Robert Abbott < <>> wrote:

    If my memory is correct, you have about two weeks after applying
    the 2000E to apply your antifouling paint. After that, you have to
sand the 2000E. We applied 2 coats of Micron CSC over the 2000E.

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