I work part time in the summer for a Macgregor dealer here on Ghost Lake in 
Alberta. I set up all the new boats and bolt on all the extras. (and fix them 
when they run them up the bank!)

As Ken says, they really sell well.

When I'm out on the lake in my C&C 26, by far the most boats out there with me 
are Macs. Mac owners may not know what they are doing, but they are enjoying 
doing it!

Wherever I go in the world, I see Macs - everywhere!
Sure they're ugly; Sure they don't sail worth a s#%t; Sure they are badly put 
together - but they have probably introduced more people to sailing than C&C's.
...and boy are Macgregor owners loyal. Lots upgrade to new Macgregors - we 
often sell the same boat 2 or 3 times.
However, you can't have boaty conversations with Mac owners. They don't talk 
about outhauls or leech lines (unknown to them). They want to talk about 
stainless steel BBQ's and cockpit tables.
Not my idea of a boat, but if it gets people out on the water, how bad can it 

Sam Salter
C&C 26  Liquorice
Ghost Lake  Alberta.
(I'm off to the BVI's on the 19th.. 6 guys, 52 foot, brand new Jenneau, sailing 
and drinking!)

On 2013-01-03, at 4:04 PM, Graham Collins <cnclistforw...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> So does heroin. Doesn't make it something to aspire to or respect...
> Graham Collins
> Secret Plans
> C&C 35-III #11
> Ken Heaton wrote:
>> The Mac 26X does one thing really well. It sells.
>> Ken H.
>> On 3 January 2013 16:05, Frederick G Street <f...@postaudio.net 
>> <mailto:f...@postaudio.net>> wrote:
>>    Richard -- it's not so much the MacGregor line that I take issue
>>    with; it's the 26X in particular. It seems like an attempt to do
>>    many things, with the result that it does none of them very well…
>>    Fred Street -- Minneapolis
>>    S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI :^(
>>    On Jan 3, 2013, at 12:58 PM, Richard N. Bush <bushma...@aol.com
>>    <mailto:bushma...@aol.com>> wrote:
>>>    The major attribute of the MacGregors is that they introduced
>>>    many people to the world of sailing and I know for a fact that at
>>>    least one of them eventually became a dedicated C&C owner...
>>>    (1975 Venture 25 model, long, long ago and far, far away...) 
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