Thanks very much to all who sent in ideas and advice on possibly jacking up my mast for the step repair. The question was rendered moot for me when the boatyard pulled the mast this morning. I had mentioned that I wanted it pulled, although I expected them to notify me. Well - I think the advice to give myself some work room and also have the opportunity to go over the mast carefully was the way to go anyway. The bottom few inches of the mast appear to be in good shape so no worries there. The coach roof was dragged down an inch or so by the mast sagging - I hope that I can just jack that back into shape somehow.
So, I was scooping out 37 year old bilge water from under the old mast step today - or at least it smelled that way. It appears that the lowest point in the bilge is under the mast step - I will probably try to install a bilge pump or some other method of getting the water out. Once the mast is back in, the area is pretty much inaccessible. I will check the keel bolt under there too. I will keep you all in the loop as the job progresses towards that first glorious sail on a sparkling spring day! Cheers, Joe 1975 30 Mk 1 Mayo, MD
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