I have a couple questions on what others have done re: race committee duties
across multiple classes and race courses. 


In addition to buoy races, the last couple years our fleet has been
promoting a "mid-distance" class for boats new to racing, or don't have the
crew or desire to race buoys.   They'll do a 15-20 mile course out to a mark
and back, or around a local island, while the buoy fleet does multiple
shorter WL races.   It's turning out to be pretty popular, so much so we
believe we need a separate judge to set the finish line and shorten course
if needed.  We intend to use the same starting line for all classes and have
multiple starts.   


Have any other clubs out there found the need to have a second chase boat to
run a different classes/courses?   If so, what worked and didn't work?   If
not, how'd you do it?  



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