Agreed on the float switch. The "automatic" pumps which turn on every few
minutes and, depending on initial current draw, will either turn off or keep
on pumping, are a temptation to all of us technology buffs. Personally, I
find them to be an irritant as they wake me up at night for no good reason
as they test the water, and it's an expensive substitute for a well located
float switch. In addition, if the integral auto switch goes, you have to
replace the entire pump rather than just replacing an errant float switch.



Rich Knowles


Halifax, NS




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of dwight
Sent: December 12, 2012 09:30
Subject: Re: Stus-List leaking windows


Agree with Rich on the bilge pump size.also recommend using a separate float
switch connected straight to battery with an appropriate fuse in line and no
more than a few inches from the +ve terminal


Dwight Veinot

C&C 35 MKII, Alianna

Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Rich C&C
Sent: December 12, 2012 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List leaking windows


Sikaflex and Plexus appear to be the two brands most used for gluing in the
windows. This has been a recurring theme on this site for some years and
always comes back to the same place: preparation and application.


My take on bilge pumps is that any of the big names give satisfactory
service. Putting in a huge pump is not a real safety item as no bilge pump
will keep up with a decent sized hole in the boat so I believe a decent
small to medium sized pump of around 250-500 gph is just fine for keeping
the bilge dry.



Rich Knowles


Halifax, NS





From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of allen
Sent: December 12, 2012 08:24
Subject: Re: Stus-List leaking windows


I am in conversations with the yard that replaced my cabin lites 4 years
ago.  At that time the list's recommendations were to use cast acrylic and
certain adhesives.  I vaguely remember three or four adhesives were
recommended, but I forget which ones.  Can you refresh my memory?


Also, I have to replace that failed electric bilge pump.  What's the
largest, great performing bilge pump that will fit?


I hope to begin negotiations today and I thank you for your advice in




Allen Miles
S/V Septima
C&C 30-2
Hampton, VA


From: kelly petew <>  

Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 9:51 AM

To: cnc-list <>  

Subject: Stus-List leaking windows


On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 8:17 AM, allen <> wrote:

> **
> After a long recovery from leg surgery I was able to board Septima this
> weekend. She was floating gently in her slip, undamaged by Sandy, but I
> was appalled when I went below to find that there was fresh water
> everywhere. The cabin window lites that I had replaced four years ago were
> coming unglued and admitting rainwater. Septima's lites are the flush
> mounted type and I specified the proper glue as discussed in this forum,
> but I was not there to supervise the replacement. Also I noticed that the
> plastic panes were starting to craze, but I can't get down a try to polish
> them out yet: my calf won't support that type of activity.
> My question is, what can I do to stop the leaks in the interim while I'm
> working through my longer term options? Is there a tape that will seal the
> edges and last through the winter? Is there some caulk that will seal but
> be easily removable when I redo the job properly?
> Another question. I am going to remove the cabin handrails to refinish
> and rebed them. When I pop off the cabin headliner access coverlets (
> they're big enough to admit a socket on an extension) I can see I'll need
> deep well socket to unscrew the nuts. What size deep well socket is
> required?
> Thanks,
> Allen Miles
> S/V Septima
> C&C 30-2
> Hampton, VA
> ------------------------------



Allen, Hi,


 I have the same boat ['91 vintage], and although my starboard-side port
lites were replaced about 4 years ago, I have noticed minor water intrusion


My boat is in Deltaville. 

In prep for Sandy, I used butyl tape [gray color from Cooper Marine -
they're on the web] around the edges as a "stop-gap" measure.

With the significant rainfall from Sandy, I think it helped a lot.  That
said, it doesn't look very appealing, but it should hold up until I can make
more permanent repairs.



My windows have been re-done at least once.  SikaFlex 295UV was used as the
adhesive/sealant.  It seems to work OK.


Also, I've had problems with the sailtracks leaking. I'm thinking I'll raise
these up a few inches and use the butyl tape around the bolts.  You might
check the white cap/plugs below the port lights [underside] for signs of
water intrusion.



Pete Winters

Siren Song





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