I change mine every year. I feel that having the blades stuck in the same 
position for the winter months cannot be good so changing the impeller is on my 
spring checklist. 
Indigo - 35MkIII

On Oct 18, 2012, at 20:49, Graham Collins <cnclistforw...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Bob, are you using illegal bottom paint???  Who is your dealer???
> Seriously though.  Impeller, I've been going 2 years of May - October season. 
>  And since you see me heading out a fair bit you must know my frequency of 
> using the boat...
> Graham Collins
> Secret Plans
> C&C 35-III #11
> Robert Abbott wrote:
>> Because of excessive mussel growth on my prop and prop shaft the past 
>> several seasons, this past Spring I tried something new, namely applying 
>> "lanolin" to them....boat was hauled this week and I can report that the 
>> lanolin was not very effective.....there were approx. 3 dozen mussels 
>> attached to the prop and the prop shaft was covered as well.
>> On another note, applied Micron 66 antifouling paint to the boat this past 
>> Spring (have been using Micron CSC for over 12 years).....absolutely no 
>> growth of any kind....and specifically no 'slime' which is common with the 
>> CSC.....the bottom looks like it did when it was painted in the Spring and I 
>> only applied a very light coat of the '66' (actually diluted it approx. 
>> 10%)....it is incredible antifouling paint.....only regret is that it is not 
>> sold in Canada.
>> And, after 7 sailing seasons, I decided  to check the air filter on the 
>> Yanmar 2GMF.....took the cover off to discover there was no 'actual filter' 
>> in the metal casing...ooops!  There will be by next Spring.
>> Lastly, how often do you guys changedthe impeller in the raw water pump?  
>> Not what the specs recommend but actually how often.....every year, 2 years, 
>> 5 years, 10 years?
>> Bob Abbott
>> C&C 32 - 84
>> Halifax, N.S.
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