When I winterize the engine, the last thing I do is remove the raw water 
impeller, and put the pump back together without an impeller. That gets put 
into a zip lock bag with the key for the engine. In the spring, I swap the 
impeller with a spare and they last several years and when either looks tired, 
I replace it. It only costs $27. I keep a stick of waterproof lipbalm with the 
spare and use that to lube the rubber vanes before assembly. Works great. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Atlantic City, NJ 
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam Salter" <sam.c.sal...@gmail.com> 
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 5:07:26 PM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Miscellaneous -impeller 

I don't believe that flexibility has much to do with impeller performance. Once 
it's inside the pump it HAS to conform to the internal volume of the casing or 
break apart and the pump works solely on volume change for performance. 
Assuming clearances are in spec. 
When impellers fail, their blades break off and block up the heat exchanger. 
You can tell when this is about to happen - inspect the root of the impeller 
vanes and you will see axial cracks starting to develop. 
If the boat is not sailed all year, Mine isn't, I pull the impeller when 
winterizing and inspect it. If it looks good I use it again next season, if I 
see cracks at the vane roots it gets tossed. Either way, it doesn't stay inside 
the pump all winter. I think that (the vanes taking a set) going to shorten 
it's life or degrade performance more than anything. 

sam :-) 
CnC 26 Liquorice 
Ghost Lake Alberta 

On 2012-10-19, at 9:45 AM, "David Blair" < dblair...@telus.net > wrote: 

Had a little lesson about impellers. When Evangeline was new to me I had no 
idea how long the impeller was in place; the water flow looked iffy although 
there were no cooling problems. (Yanmar 3GM30). Took the impeller out and it 
seemed fine but replaced it anyway and got markedly better flow volumes. 
Aappearance of impeller, if intact, is probably secondary to the flexibility of 
the vanes for function. So my rule now is “when in doubt replace” and keeping 
the old one as a spare is questionable. 


From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Sébastien 
Sent: October-19-12 6:17 AM 
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Miscellaneous -impeller 

I don't have the experience of Rich but I would also lean in that direction. 
I've changed mine for the first time this summer after 3 years. The impeller 
looked in perfect condition (no cracks and blades were as flexible as a new 
one). I kept the old one as a spare and now feel confident that I will only 
inspect the impeller every spring. 

I've been told by a mechanic that if the raw water circuit is winterized using 
antifreeze (vs. drained), the impeller holds up very well. Since our impeller 
spends more than half the year in antifreeze, this might explain the 

I also reasoned that since we sail on a lake with no commercial traffic and 
never solo there is little risk in case I have to face an impeller break down: 
I have a spare and tools on board, I know how to swap them. 

Sébastien Lemieux 
Merlot X - C&C 30 mk2 1987 
Mooney Bay - Lake Champlain 

On Oct 18, 2012, at 21:28, Rich Knowles wrote: 

I check mine each season's end when I winterize. If it looks good, it goes back 
in. I have installed one new one in 15 years and that includes several runs of 
a few minutes each year without water. They are pretty durable. I check for 

Rich Knowles 
Indigo. LF38 

On 2012-10-18, at 22:04, Martin DeYoung < mdeyo...@deyoungmfg.com > wrote: 

...how often do you guys change the impeller in the raw water 

I change Calypso's 4-108 raw water impeller at the start of each season then 
put the lightly used old one in the spares box. It is also my practice to check 
the impeller prior to setting off on a longer trip where a sudden loss of 
cooling might be inconvenient. 

There has been a year or so where I did not change the impeller in the spring 
and the impeller perform fine with no significant change in appearance. 

I change the impeller after each time I forget to open the raw water inlet thru 
hull valve and allowed the engine to run without cooling water for more than a 
few minutes. 

1970 C&C 43 

-----Original Message----- 
From: CnC-List [ mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com ] On Behalf Of Robert 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 5:24 PM 
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Subject: Stus-List Miscellaneous 

Because of excessive mussel growth on my prop and prop shaft the past 
several seasons, this past Spring I tried something new, namely applying 
"lanolin" to them....boat was hauled this week and I can report that the 
lanolin was not very effective.....there were approx. 3 dozen mussels 
attached to the prop and the prop shaft was covered as well. 

On another note, applied Micron 66 antifouling paint to the boat this 
past Spring (have been using Micron CSC for over 12 
years).....absolutely no growth of any kind....and specifically no 
'slime' which is common with the CSC.....the bottom looks like it did 
when it was painted in the Spring and I only applied a very light coat 
of the '66' (actually diluted it approx. 10%)....it is incredible 
antifouling paint.....only regret is that it is not sold in Canada. 

And, after 7 sailing seasons, I decided to check the air filter on the 
Yanmar 2GMF.....took the cover off to discover there was no 'actual 
filter' in the metal casing...ooops! There will be by next Spring. 

Lastly, how often do you guys changedthe impeller in the raw water 
pump? Not what the specs recommend but actually how often.....every 
year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years? 

Bob Abbott 
C&C 32 - 84 
Halifax, N.S. 

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