When I put 6V's in Bojangles, I had to increase the height of my
battery compartment by about 1/2" (the width of a piece of plywood,
thankfully) and then get rid of the old plastic battery boxes.  I then
glassed in the whole compartment (but for a 3" vent).

The whole thing was a bit of a PITA, but I'm really glad to have the
6V's.  They give the most Ah per $ and also the most Ah per square
inch of footprint, even when you adjust for the shorter life
expectancy of wet cell batteries.

Figure out a way to make them fit.  You'll be glad you did.


On 10/3/12, Jim Watts <paradigmat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My current 3 x 27 setup is actually in group 31 boxes, two in the forward
> hole and one in the aft on a shelf a PO glassed in. The starting battery is
> in with the forward two. Theoretically I have the height. I could always
> build a custom box out of fiberglass to minimize the height...but I'd still
> have to cram 3 of the T105's in the forward compartment.
> On 3 October 2012 15:01, Kim Brown <kimcbr...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> Jim,
>> FWIW I looked at going to T105s but couldn't get comfortable with the
>> height- especially after I figured in a battery box.  Probably just a
>> lack
>> of courage on my part. A cardboard mockup is a good idea as the battery
>> compartment (under the front end of the quarterberth) gets a little
>> shallower as you go aft. I'll be as curious as you to hear if anyone has
>> converted. My current set up is a grp 24 start battery in a battery box
>> that
>> tucks aft. I then have 2- Trojan SCS225 grp 31's as a house bank. These
>> are
>> an inch lower than the T105s. They rate 130 amp hrs at 20 hrs. So a
>> little
>> more kick than the usual suspects. They are 3.5 years old and fine (in
>> FL,
>> in nasty heat, in the water year round). They are each in plastic boxes
>> strapped down toward the front of the compartment. There is still enough
>> room to just squeeze in one of those little portable jumper batteries
>> JIC.
>> (I use it on the foredeck to attach to a blower to fill the inflatable as
>> I
>> don't like to tow it if I can avoid it. So you can certainly pick up some
>> amp hrs by moving to grp 31s for your house bank (don't think 3x grp31's
>> will fit)
>> Kim Brown
>> Trust Me!!! 35-3
>> ............................................................................
>> Message: 8
>> Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 13:07:45 -0700
>> From: Jim Watts <paradigmat...@gmail.com>
>> To: 1 CnC List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
>> Subject: Stus-List Golf cart batteries in a 35-3?
>> Message-ID:
>>         <CA+jZ0FcNHwZrL4tQUWPuAEEodhiWzLiRf3COxOVGwPAy0Kwq=
>> w...@mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> After 6 years, my last set of batteries is looking close to the end. I
>> would
>> like to replace the 3 group 27's I have now with 4 T-105 batteries, but I
>> don't know if I have the space. I'm going out to measure the spaces and
>> trial fit a cardboard mockup, but maybe I can save some time by asking
>> here...just maybe someone has done it already.
>> Between the forward compartment and the aft compartment under the
>> q-berth,
>> is there room to mount 4 T-105's? I also have a group 24 starting
>> battery,
>> but I can stash that almost anywhere.
>> --
>> Jim Watts
>> Paradigm Shift
>> C&C 35 Mk III
>> Victoria, BC
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> --
> Jim Watts
> Paradigm Shift
> C&C 35 Mk III
> Victoria, BC

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