Jim, FWIW I looked at going to T105s but couldn't get comfortable with the height- especially after I figured in a battery box. Probably just a lack of courage on my part. A cardboard mockup is a good idea as the battery compartment (under the front end of the quarterberth) gets a little shallower as you go aft. I'll be as curious as you to hear if anyone has converted. My current set up is a grp 24 start battery in a battery box that tucks aft. I then have 2- Trojan SCS225 grp 31's as a house bank. These are an inch lower than the T105s. They rate 130 amp hrs at 20 hrs. So a little more kick than the usual suspects. They are 3.5 years old and fine (in FL, in nasty heat, in the water year round). They are each in plastic boxes strapped down toward the front of the compartment. There is still enough room to just squeeze in one of those little portable jumper batteries JIC. (I use it on the foredeck to attach to a blower to fill the inflatable as I don't like to tow it if I can avoid it. So you can certainly pick up some amp hrs by moving to grp 31s for your house bank (don't think 3x grp31's will fit)
Kim Brown Trust Me!!! 35-3 ............................................................................ Message: 8 Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 13:07:45 -0700 From: Jim Watts <paradigmat...@gmail.com> To: 1 CnC List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Subject: Stus-List Golf cart batteries in a 35-3? Message-ID: <CA+jZ0FcNHwZrL4tQUWPuAEEodhiWzLiRf3COxOVGwPAy0Kwq=w...@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" After 6 years, my last set of batteries is looking close to the end. I would like to replace the 3 group 27's I have now with 4 T-105 batteries, but I don't know if I have the space. I'm going out to measure the spaces and trial fit a cardboard mockup, but maybe I can save some time by asking here...just maybe someone has done it already. Between the forward compartment and the aft compartment under the q-berth, is there room to mount 4 T-105's? I also have a group 24 starting battery, but I can stash that almost anywhere. -- Jim Watts Paradigm Shift C&C 35 Mk III Victoria, BC _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album http://www.cncphotoalbum.com CnC-List@cnc-list.com