Well, maybe not as many listeners as you want; typically, NMEA says you can use 
up to three, and that's a pretty safe limit in my experience.

Getting GPS data from the RL80CRC shouldn't be an issue at 4800 baud; but the 
AIS info from the radio WILL NOT be recognized by the RL80CRC; I'm not sure you 
can even set the ports on that unit to 38,400 baud.

Fred Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^(

On Sep 21, 2012, at 10:17 AM, Della Barba, Joe wrote:

> Also make sure all the speed/parity settings match. If memory serves, the 
> standard is 4800 8N1 no flow control.
> Remember – only ONE talker on the line and as many listeners as you want.
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