       I think that the Raymarine techie may have mis-read page 8-30 of the 
RL80CRC manual. It refers to a 1.5 metre NMEA cable,
not NMEA version 1.5.
"The 1.5 m NMEA OUT cable has a ferrite clamp attached to ensure EMC 

Anyway, take a look at the sentences available in appendix D and compare to the 
sentences available in the various NMEA standards.
All the usual GPS suspects are there as far as I can see, and certainly more 
than are defined in the NMEA 1.5 standard. GGA in
particular is present, and ought to be the key.

You probably have what you need already. You should be able to just hook it up 
to the radio, and make sure the radio is set for
4800 baud input. Leave the grey and the brown wires from the radio disconnected.

If you have tried it already, and it didn't work, I would take a look at the 
configuration options for the RL80CRC display. There
are choices for whether of not to bridge the NMEA input to SEATALK output that 
may affect NMEA output. There are specific sentence
options as well.

Steve Thomas
Port Stanley, ON

-----Original Message-----
From: []On 
Behalf Of Bill Coleman
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List NMEA 0183 Ver.1.5 to 3.0

Agreed, my understanding is that I need at least 2.0 to provide that sentence.  
The techie from Raymarine told me that My
Chartplotter was NMEA 1.5 and the radio would not read anything below 2.0, thus 
the problem. I can buy a separate antenna from
Standard to solve that problem, but I already have the NMEA at the radio, so a 
converter even for 120 bucks would be a tossup but
much less work. Showing AIS on my chartplotter is not in the cards, as It will 
not accept the 38400Baud from the radio. But I can
at least see it on the radio and handset and set alarms.

Assuming the ship has their AIS on.  Another lister, Jeff whom I know is 
lurking here found out after our annual fall cross-lake
race Saturday nite.  Coming in after a 62 mile (if it was a straight line!) 
race, coming up to the R2 buoy, a 750' freighter
nearly ran him over in the dark with NO AIS, sounds like an interesting story, 
maybe he will elaborate. Hopefully he has changed
his underwear by now . . .

Bill Coleman

C&C 39


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Della Barba, Joe
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 7:56 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List NMEA 0183 Ver.1.5 to 3.0

It isn't the version - it is the sentences.

You need the GPS to output a sentence the radio can read.

Joe Della Barba


C&C 35 MK 1


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Steve Thomas
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 7:34 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List NMEA 0183 Ver.1.5 to 3.0

I have been seriously considering getting one of those radios myself.

The GX2150 documentation suggests that you should be able to configure it get 
GPS data from an NMEA 0183 source into the radio
without a converter, if that is all you are trying to do.

If you are planning to use an external display for the AIS data as well, then 
it appears to get complicated.

I will be interested to hear how your installation works out.

Steve Thomas


-----Original Message-----
From: []On 
Behalf Of Bill Coleman
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 7:17 PM
Subject: Stus-List NMEA 0183 Ver.1.5 to 3.0

am looking for a filter to convert NMEA 0183 Ver 1.5 to a higher version to 
bring GPS from an older Raymarine RL80CRC Chartplotter
into a new Standard Horizon GX2150 VHF.

Has anyone ever done this, or know of  a place that sells these?


Bill Coleman

C&C 39


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