Jake wrote:

  "I always check the nipples first!" <snip>

I'm a leg man myself.

Dennis C.

> From: Jake Brodersen <captain_j...@cox.net>
>To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
>Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:06 PM
>Subject: Re: Stus-List Yanmar question
>There are ample opportunities for problems in the raw water cooling system.  
>The easiest to check is the nipple on the exhaust elbow.  If it was installed 
>with some never seize lube, it should be easy to remove and check.  They do 
>tend to gum up with salt deposits from time to time.  I always check the 
>nipples first!
>The next most likely suspect would be a clogged exhaust elbow.  I have removed 
>mine in the past and cleaned it out with a coat hanger.  No pretty, but it may 
>buy you a year or two.  Replacement is the best course of action, especially 
>since you have it off already.
>I removed my heat exchanger and had it hot tanked a number of years ago.  It 
>wasn’t in bad shape, but now I feel better about it.
>Good raw water flow will keep your exhaust quiet.  That’s how I can tell my 
>system needs attention, by the change in sound.  I switched from the SS stock 
>muffler to a smaller fiberglass muffler a couple years ago.  It sounds great.  
>Not loud, but nice an mellow.
>Jake Brodersen
>C&C 35 Mk-III
>"Midnight Mistress
>Hampton VA
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