I have Honey's steering system inspected, lubricated and adjusted as  
necessary every spring without fail. You only have to drop a sheave or break a  
cable once and have to use the emergency tiller just once on a 39 to remind  
you that the steering system maintenance should be at the top of your annual 
 list of necessary items to do at least once a year. Steering the boat by  
hand with a 48" long stainless tube was almost impossible and took a great  
deal of rigging to make it work. I have since modified the tiller to allow 
me to  use either the primary winches if under motor and a set of handybillys 
if under  sail. Both are a PITA but work.
Also, for laughs try sailing your boat with the emergency tiller just to  
make sure that 1) you can do & ) can you do it sea..
Jack Fitzgerald
C&C 39 TM
HONEY - US12788
In a message dated 8/23/2012 8:47:25 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
cscheaf...@comcast.net writes:

Edson has  designed upgrades to their Wire Rope Sheaves & Assemblies.
See  edsonmarine.com

They also have a great tech support by phone,  508-995-9711

1990 C&C  34R
Atlantic City, NJ

From: "Sylvain Laplante" <sylvain_lapla...@yahoo.ca>
To:  cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 7:00:16  AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Edson Steering System

Fairly complete... Btw Edson sells maintenance and rebuild kits (  one of 
them includes 2 keyways ).
Also,  a problem I had on mine when I bought it:  The bronze shafts of the  
pulleys were worn to 50% , pretty scary. I bought new ones at a machine 
shop (  cut to length ), I now keep 2 spares in the spare parts box.


 From: Jake Brodersen  <captain_j...@cox.net>
To:  cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Sent:  Wednesday, August 22, 2012 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Edson Steering  System

Play in the wheel can come from several  sources.

1)  The keyway in the wheel becomes enlarged or the key  wears down
2)  Loose chain links in the pedestal
3)  The  rudder bearings develop play
4)  Slack in the cables attached to the  quadrant

There may be other causes, but these are the most  common.  They keyway is
easy to observe by taking off the retaining  nut on the wheel.  My money
would be on the loose cables.  They  stretch over time.  On my 35-3, they 
a bear to get to, but easy to  adjust with 2 crescent wrenches.


Jake Brodersen
C&C  35 Mk-III
Midnight Mistress
Hampton VA

-----Original  Message-----
From: _cnc-list-bounces@cnc-list.com_ 
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On Behalf Of Helen  Abbott
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 9:17 AM
To: _cnc-list@cnc-list.com_ (mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com) 
Subject: Stus-List Edson Steering  System


Can you elaborate a bit on what is a worn keyway on  the steering shaft.  
Is it a big job to replace/repair?

Bob  Abbott

On 2012/08/20 10:03 AM, Bill Connon  wrote:
> Helen Abbott wrote:
>> Recently, we have noticed a  little 'play' in the steering 
>> system......by a little 'play' I  mean the wheel turns approx. a 1/4 
>> inch before it engages the  rudder.
>> Is something wearing away in the steering  system and needs to be 
>> replaced or is this a case where an  adjustment can be made to tighten 
>> things  up?
>> Any and all advice  appreciated?
>> Bob Abbott
>>  C&C 32 - 84
>> Halifax,  N.S.
>   Bob,
> I have the same problem on my '78 36 footer. The problem  is definitely 
> a worn keyway on the steering shaft.
>  Bill
> Caprice 1
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