
Loose alternator belt and dirty bottom?  Getting black smoke when u
try to push the rpms?  (changed the subject line)

Joel Aronson

On Aug 20, 2012, at 7:03 AM, jackson maddux <jackson.mad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We are having some mechanical problems with our Yanmar 2GMF.  I am hoping for 
> some advice.....
> First admission: other than changing oil, we have not been too good with our 
> diesel.  The boat has also not had much use this summer (about 5x total).
> The hull is scummy, but not encrusted, so we know that the hull is not the 
> whole problem. A few barnacles on the shaft, but nothing more than usual for 
> this time of year.
> The problem: About 2 weeks ago, my boat partner went for a little motor 
> cruise and the boat would not go past about 3 knots (normal for us at 2500 
> RPM is about 4-5 knots).
> Yesterday, I got on board and the boat would not accelerate nearly as fast as 
> before.  The engine would not go past 2800 RPM (3300 is usual for our engine, 
> 3400 is the max rating). The max speed was about 3.5 knots after a friend, 
> who is a mechanic, bled the injectors and told us to get a new air filter.
> He also told us to get a new fuel filter (and a "better" one than we 
> have..racor R12P is the name on the filter).
> The "charge" light goes on when the engine is on, complete with it's 
> associated buzzer noise.  However, the light extinguishes if the RPM goes up. 
>  We can get the alarm to turn off if we change the switch to "illumination" 
> from the default "on" position.
> Finally: the propeller shaft now has a distinct vibration to it and the 
> negine seems to bounce around more than it did when we bought the boat 2 
> years ago.  The engine mounts look ok to my amateur eyes.  However, we do 
> have powdery rubber-smelling material in the bilge.
> The questions:
> 1. Bad alternator?
> 2. New filters etc would be helpful?
> 3. New engine mounts needed?
> 4. Anything else that we might be missing  before I can a mechanic?
> thanks for any replies.
> -Jackson Maddux
> Schiehallion
> C&C 32
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