you know, I did test before hand.  The mast head light worked as it should but 
the steaming deck light was dim as it is now....I thought, "well it is lighting 
and it must be this old wire I'm using to connect the battery to the leads 
sticking out of the mast that is junk.  Man, I'm glad i ran those new wires..." 
Well apparently that wasn't the issue. I have separate grounds all going to a 
grounding block, on the bulkhead in the engine compartment, which is grounded 
to the engine. I over-sized the wires just to be safe...I must have pooched the is just hard to believe I pooched both of them... You know 
something though...I tied a knot in the wire so it wouldn't pull into the 
mast...that shouldn't do anything though, should it? I got the idea from the 
old wire I replaced...  

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Stevan Plavsa <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Electrical issues up the mast...
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 15:36:09 -0400

Do you know what the draw is?
There is a neato chart 
here:, 20 feet of 
double cable is a 40 foot circuit.&#65533;

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Stevan Plavsa <> wrote:
Yeah all the negs go to the same place but the resistance is determined by the 
cable. I don't know if I'm saying that right. Half way up the mast might be 20 
feet, but that's 20 feet two ways (40 feet) plus whatever length to and from 
the panel. It was just a thought, trying to be helpful. Sharing ground isn't 
recommended, at least, not according to Don Casey (all I know about boat wiring 
comes from his book). SteveC&C32

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 3:26 PM, <> 
wrote:hm...the halyard theory is interesting....I hadn't raised any sails but, 
the sailmaker did without me there. &#65533;He got there ahead of me and got to 
work... &#65533;He did not mention anything.&#65533;I can't imagine i got the 
connections wrong. &#65533;I ran one 2-wire cable to each light. &#65533;I 
would have the pos from one and the neg from the other hooked 
up....again....even if that were so, it shouln't really matter, right. 
&#65533;All the negs go to the same place essentially...

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Marek Dziedzic" <>
To: <>
 Subject: Re: Stus-List Electrical issues up the mast...Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 
15:17:46 -0400

Is it possible (considering that two lights are dim) that you connected them in 
series? I know that it sounds too simple, but it is a 
consideration.&#65533;MarekC&C 24 
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