There is no lamp cord in the mast.  There is 20/2 marine cable that went up to 
the mast head light and I ran 2 more 14/2 marine cables to the deck and 
steaming lights

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Nate Flesness <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Electrical issues up the mast...
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 18:18:14 +0000

<![endif]--><![endif]-->I had good luck fishing 14/2 tinned wire through my 
mast when it was out and horizontal, using an electrician-style fish tape (any 
big box store).
Wish I had had time to really work on quieting the wires, though, rolly 
anchorages remind me of that all the time.
C&C 30-1
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Stevan Plavsa
 Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 1:02 PM
 Subject: Re: Stus-List Electrical issues up the mast...
Yeah, I had crappy lamp cord going up my mast to the steaming/deck light, I 
replaced that too. I was surprised to see it in there to be honest, I thought 
C&C was better than that. I guess they did cut some corners.
C&C 32
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Stevan Plavsa <> wrote:
Going up the mast? 
I put new 14/2 wiring up my mast while it was horizontal on saw horses this 
spring before stepping. And THAT was a pain in the ass! I would hate to do that 
job from a bosun's chair 40 feet above the deck, no thanks. If you have conduit 
in your mast it makes things a lot easier, if not, then you're in the same camp 
as me .. I had snags galore fishing that wire through, major pain in the ass. 
However, I did drill a new hole for the anchor light (boat never had one 
installed prior) on the mast head and I tapped holes for the screws and did it 
proper. Drilling into the mast isn't a big deal, aluminum is soft and you can 
get tap sets for cheap if you need to screw anything in. I don't recommend the 
self-tappers, do it right with SS bolts and the correct tap .. tefgel too.
What is the draw on the spreader lights? I would think that 16/2 wouldn't be a 
problem but maybe you're simply dealing with voltage drop??? How long is the 
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Joel Aronson <> wrote:
Women!  What did you expect?
Use the handheld and sail during daylight.  
Does the wire exit at the base of the mast or cabin top?  Crushed at exit point?
Wish I had more constructive ideas.
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 1:44 PM, <> wrote:
Okay so, Lolita is being VERY high maintenance!
I installed new lights up the mast.  I put a mega light at the top, I used 
another megalight as a deck light and installed a new steaming light.
I don't know what happened but, I think something in the mast let go.  There is 
some downward pressure on the wire heading up to the masthead light and the 
antenna wire seems to have completely disappeared.  I did not replace this wire 
and on the wire that goes up to my wind masthead transducer.  So, the light 
doesn't work and the wind instrument does all kinds of crazy crap....
Then, the deck/steaming light with 2 separate, new, 16/2 boat cables run up to 
them are glowing very dimly.  When I test with a spare megalight at the base 
wiring block I get normal power to all 3 wires to the 3 lights.
My questions are;
1. what could have happened
2. any idea how to rectify the situation.  
3. I'm not planning of ever being more than a few miles from land at any given 
time, will my hand held VHF be good enough for the rest of this season?
4. Can the deck light, (providing I get the low current thing figured out) used 
with the stern light give me the 360 degree light I need to suffice for the 
mast head light?
If I do figure out the deck/steaming issue, can I get away without going all 
the way up the mast?  Even if I get up there and find that the wires all pulled 
down into the mast, there isn't a lot I can do about it.  Running new wires 
where no wire exists currently would be an exercise in futility.  There are 
some small holes at the top of the mast and even smaller where the wire exit 
the mast in the cabin.
I think going up the the steaming/deck light is in order to check those 
connections...I must have made crappy connections somehow.  I got new butt 
connectors, used the nice crimping tool that Wally Bryant recommended and 
covered the connections in shrink wrap....
It is just so strange that both light fixtures are dim, when they are separate 
all the way back to separate switches on the panel.
I'm also having running light issues...  I think the panels are very old and 
tired and in need of attention if not replacement.  Ugh...I just want to go 
sailing now, dammit!
As always, thanks for any insights, comments and suggestions...
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