Hmm. I think I was deceived by the /etc/init directory existing.  I'm
not sure why it's there, but I don't think the template is using
upstart. I'm having a hard time reliably recreating the issue, but I
think it's related to other reports where the default gateway is
missing (I've seen this myself on a secondary storage VM, but it went
away when I rebooted it, and couldn't get the problem to come back).
This happens unrelated to any changes I'm making.

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Marcus Sorensen <> wrote:
> After reading a little more about upstart, I don't think this script
> does anything. I'm not entirely sure at the moment however how best to
> ensure that networking starts after cloud-early-config, short of
> converting cloud-early-config to an upstart script. It looks like this
> debian build is using upstart just for networking, and everything else
> uses the standard sysvinit ordering.
> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Marcus Sorensen <> wrote:
>> Just to be clear, that script may have no effect whatsoever, and I'm
>> not sure how to verify other than rebooting a bunch of times. I don't
>> have the time to do that at the moment.
>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Marcus Sorensen <> wrote:
>>> There may be one other minor thing that needs to be addressed. In
>>> getting rid of the patchdisk, my networking on the router is a bit
>>> inconsistent. It looks like maybe networking is starting before
>>> cloud-early-config completes, as /etc/network/interfaces looks right,
>>> but I don't always get an ip on eth0.
>>> I know next to nothing about upstart, and haven't had a chance to test
>>> much, so if someone else can help that would be great. I've tried this
>>> though and it worked the two times I rebooted, after 70% failures on
>>> reboot. It goes it /etc/init/cloud-early-config-wait.conf
>>> ----- script start here ----
>>> #cloud-early-config-wait
>>> start on (starting networking or starting network-interface)
>>> instance $JOB
>>> script
>>>     start cloud-early-config || true
>>>     # Waiting forever is ok.. upstart will kill this job when
>>>     # the service we tried to start above either starts or stops
>>>     while sleep 3600 ; do :; done
>>> end script
>>> ----script end here---
>>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Marcus Sorensen <> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 2:09 AM, Rohit Yadav <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks a lot Marcus, your findings have been useful. I've applied the
>>>>> locale fix and a grub2 boot timeout fix (systemvms should boot 5
>>>>> seconds faster now).
>>>>> Alright so far we're good, tested and systemvm seems to work on KVM
>>>>> (Marcus) and Xen, anyone to help us with VMWare?
>>>>> Marcus, about the qemu-ga, we need to patch all our templates as per
>>>>> systemvm type (ssvm, cpvm or rvm), for that we're using the
>>>>> systemvm.iso to patch the template appliance and we reboot once
>>>>> patching is done successfully in cloud-early-config. So, with using
>>>>> qemu-ga or our own daemon (assumming through socket we already got
>>>>> authorized key), do we want to make mgmt server or host copy the
>>>>> scripts inside the systemvm or just continue using current patching
>>>>> mechanism that uses the iso to mount and patch? Marcus can you share
>>>>> how we can use the new systemvm on devcloud-kvm (osx/vmware-fusion).
>>>>> Regards.
>>>> I think the systemvm.iso is a completely fine way of getting new code
>>>> onto the system vms. My main goal at this point was to just get rid of
>>>> the patch disk portion. Also, since it sounds like we're wanting to
>>>> move to a link-local API to control the system vms I think we'll
>>>> forego qemu-guest-agent or putting our own daemon on the virtio serial
>>>> device and simply use it to copy the cmdline/authorized keys.
>>>> If this updated system vm checks out, I'll update the devcloud-kvm
>>>> packages with it preinstalled, replacing the older one. Or in the
>>>> meantime what I've been doing is simply downloading yours and moving
>>>> it into place over the existing one, giving it the same name, before
>>>> deploying anything.
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 6:43 AM, Marcus Sorensen <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Oh, and I have yet to test all of the vpc functions, but so far so
>>>>>> good. I was able to bring up the VPC, it got it's gateways all
>>>>>> configured, and my public ip with portforwarding rule/ acl to allow 22
>>>>>> in worked.
>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Marcus Sorensen <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Rohit, I think I tracked down why the router keeps rebooting. When it
>>>>>>> comes up, the first thing we do is run, which
>>>>>>> replies:
>>>>>>> /bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale 
>>>>>>> (en_US.UTF-8)
>>>>>>> Cloudstack Release 4.2.0 Tue Mar 5 13:17:51 UTC
>>>>>>> 2013&a8af8cdd546e575e64f69b6f80ef949c
>>>>>>> Looks like we don't like that locale warning:
>>>>>>> GetDomRVersionAnswer":{"result":false,"details":"bash: warning:
>>>>>>> setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)"
>>>>>>> I can fix it by running this in the system vm:
>>>>>>> locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:43 AM, Chiradeep Vittal
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> OK, one more niggle about the previous system vm. We tried to enable 
>>>>>>>> aesni
>>>>>>>> [1] to boost encryption performance (ipsec vpn, anything ssl), but the
>>>>>>>> system vm would crash on Vmware if we did that (hence the module
>>>>>>>> blacklisted). Could someone try the new systemvm on VMWare with aesni
>>>>>>>> enabled? I believe it is as simple as
>>>>>>>> modprobe aesni_intel and
>>>>>>>> openssl 1.0.1
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> On 3/4/13 10:46 PM, "Rohit Yadav" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>Thanks to Mate
>>>>>>>>>I'm able to ship appliances that work for Xen. Chiradeep, there is no
>>>>>>>>>need to use the powershell hack now, if people still want vhdx, they
>>>>>>>>>can use that hack. The current appliance for Xen (vbox->raw->vhd)
>>>>>>>>>At least appliance for HyperV and Xen works:
>>>>>>>>>I've tested and found that:
>>>>>>>>>- patching happens
>>>>>>>>>- password server works
>>>>>>>>>- apache was running, user data works
>>>>>>>>>- template creation works
>>>>>>>>>- snapshot to template works
>>>>>>>>>I won't be able to test VPC/advance zone of DevCloud, ipv6 etc.
>>>>>>>>>someone from QA would have to help.
>>>>>>>>>Thanks Marcus for your suggestion, will compress qcow2 and test on KVM
>>>>>>>>>I need help on testing/fixing VMWare systemvm template appliance.
>>>>>>>>>Ahmad :) all natural:
>>>>>>>>>PS. Was AFK yesterday, down with flu, much better now.
>>>>>>>>>On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 11:29 PM, Chiradeep Vittal
>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 3/1/13 4:03 AM, "Rohit Yadav" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>- Saw systemvms started from the template, saw patching happening,
>>>>>>>>>>>logged in with creds (root/password) to verify that it was indeed the
>>>>>>>>>>>new one (Linux 3.2 :)
>>>>>>>>>>>- The agents were running fine, there was a latency issue (agents 
>>>>>>>>>>>lagging behind)
>>>>>>>>>>>- (Applied a fix describe on CLOUDSTACK-1370 to make the deployVM
>>>>>>>>>>>work) VR came up, did it's SDN magic and tinyLinux was deployed
>>>>>>>>>>>- Console proxy worked for me as well
>>>>>>>>>> I would also test
>>>>>>>>>>  - password server
>>>>>>>>>>  - user data management (is apache web server running?)
>>>>>>>>>> In addition
>>>>>>>>>>  - zone-to-zone template copy
>>>>>>>>>>  - template creation
>>>>>>>>>>  - convert snapshot to template
>>>>>>>>>>  - vpc
>>>>>>>>>>  - ipv6
>>>>>>>>>>>Chiradeep, is there a way to convert VHD (HyperV) to VHD (Xen), I 
>>>>>>>>>>>that they both differ in some magic bits?
>>>>>>>>>> Actually since we intend to support Windows 2012, we should be using
>>>>>>>>>> There's a way to do it with Powershell (from vhd(hyper-v) -> vhdx)
>>>>>>>>>> to-convert-a-vhd-to-a-vhdx.aspx

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