OK, one more niggle about the previous system vm. We tried to enable aesni
[1] to boost encryption performance (ipsec vpn, anything ssl), but the
system vm would crash on Vmware if we did that (hence the module
blacklisted). Could someone try the new systemvm on VMWare with aesni
enabled? I believe it is as simple as
modprobe aesni_intel and
openssl 1.0.1

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AES_instruction_set

On 3/4/13 10:46 PM, "Rohit Yadav" <bhais...@apache.org> wrote:

>Hi all,
>Thanks to Mate 
>I'm able to ship appliances that work for Xen. Chiradeep, there is no
>need to use the powershell hack now, if people still want vhdx, they
>can use that hack. The current appliance for Xen (vbox->raw->vhd)
>At least appliance for HyperV and Xen works:
>I've tested and found that:
>- patching happens
>- password server works
>- apache was running, user data works
>- template creation works
>- snapshot to template works
>I won't be able to test VPC/advance zone of DevCloud, ipv6 etc.
>someone from QA would have to help.
>Thanks Marcus for your suggestion, will compress qcow2 and test on KVM
>I need help on testing/fixing VMWare systemvm template appliance.
>Ahmad :) all natural:
>PS. Was AFK yesterday, down with flu, much better now.
>On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 11:29 PM, Chiradeep Vittal
><chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> On 3/1/13 4:03 AM, "Rohit Yadav" <bhais...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>- Saw systemvms started from the template, saw patching happening,
>>>logged in with creds (root/password) to verify that it was indeed the
>>>new one (Linux 3.2 :)
>>>- The agents were running fine, there was a latency issue (agents were
>>>lagging behind)
>>>- (Applied a fix describe on CLOUDSTACK-1370 to make the deployVM
>>>work) VR came up, did it's SDN magic and tinyLinux was deployed
>>>- Console proxy worked for me as well
>> I would also test
>>  - password server
>>  - user data management (is apache web server running?)
>> In addition
>>  - zone-to-zone template copy
>>  - template creation
>>  - convert snapshot to template
>>  - vpc
>>  - ipv6
>>>Chiradeep, is there a way to convert VHD (HyperV) to VHD (Xen), I hear
>>>that they both differ in some magic bits?
>> Actually since we intend to support Windows 2012, we should be using
>> There's a way to do it with Powershell (from vhd(hyper-v) -> vhdx)
>> to-convert-a-vhd-to-a-vhdx.aspx

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